With their billions of annual captive customers, one would think that airports, and by logical extension, airlines, were prime candidates for the implementation of the In...
“Data Science(DS)” is nothing new but the term itself and the recent level of interest in it. As a practice it has commercially (not academically) existed for...
Starred articles are candidates for the picture of the week. A comprehensive list of all past resources is found here. We are in the process of automatically categorizin...
Guest blog post by Jen-Hsun Hunag, Founder, President and CEO at NVIDIA, Originally entitled “The Intelligent Industrial Revolution”. A New Era of Computing...
The health area is characterized by the management of huge data volumes. What if those data are processed and provided to the health professionals and their patients or, ...
Data integration requires merging date from different sources, stored using technologies. Companies build a “data warehouse where aggregated data can be stored and retr...
The use of Python as a data science tool has been on the rise over the past few years: 54% of the respondents of the latest O’Reilly Data Science Salary Survey i...
This is part of a new series of articles: once or twice a month, we post previous articles that were very popular when first published. These articles are at least 6 mont...
Summary: Convolutional Neural Nets are getting all the press but it’s Recurrent Neural Nets that are the real workhorse of this generation of AI. We’ve paid a lot...
(This post originally appeared on recurrentnull.wordpress.com, as first part in a series on sentiment analysis of movie reviews.) Imagine I show you a book review, on ama...