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33 Statistical Concepts Explained in Simple English – Part 10

This resource is part of a series on specific topics related to data science: regression, clustering, neural networks, deep learning, decision trees, ensembles, correlation, Python, R, Tensorflow, SVM, data reduction, feature selection, experimental design, cross-validation, model fitting, and many more. To keep receiving these articles, sign up on DSC.


33 Statistical Concepts Explained in Simple English

  1. Kruskal Wallis H Test: Definition, Examples & Assumptions
  2. Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) & 21 (KR-21)
  3. Kurtosis: Definition, Leptokurtic, Platykurtic
  4. Lasso Regression: Simple Definition
  5. Law of Large Numbers / Law of Averages
  6. Least Squares Regression Line: Ordinary and Partial
  7. Levels in Statistics
  8. Levene Test for Equality of Variances
  9. Likelihood Function: Overview / Simple Definition
  10. Likelihood Ratio (Medicine): Basic Definition, Interpretation
  11. Likelihood-Ratio Tests (Probability and Mathematical Statistics)
  12. Likert Scale Definition and Examples
  13. Limiting Distribution (Asymptotic Distribution): Definition and Exa…
  14. Linear Relationship: Definition, Examples
  15. Linear Regression: Simple Steps and Video – Find the Equation, Coef…
  16. Vector Transformation & Linear Transformation
  17. Line Graph – Definition and Easy Steps to Make One
  18. Line of Best Fit: What it is, How to Find it
  19. Lognormal Distribution: Definition, Examples
  20. Log Odds: Definiton and Worked Statistics Problems
  21. Lowess Smoothing in Statistics: What is it?
  22. Mahalanobis Distance: Simple Definition, Examples
  23. Main Effect: Definition and Examples
  24. Manipulated Variable: Definition
  25. Mann Kendall Trend Test: Definition, Running the Test
  26. Mann Whitney U Test
  27. Margin of Error: Definition, How to Calculate in Easy Steps
  28. Marginal Distribution
  29. Marginal Effects: Definition
  30. Matched Samples: Definition, Examples
  31. Matrices and Matrix Algebra
  32. Maximum Variation Sampling
  33. McNemar Test Definition, Examples, Calculation
  34. Mean, Median, Mode: What They Are, How to Find Them
  35. Mean Difference / Difference in Means (MD)
  36. Mean Error: Definition
  37. Mean Square Between: Definition & Examples

Previous editions, in alphabetical order, can be accessed here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9.

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