Here is a tutorial I have created (foundations of machine learning and data science for developers) It is based on my insights from the Enterprise AI course and also th...
Digital Transformation is helping all the corners of life and healthcare is no exception. Patients when discharged from the hospital are given verbal and written instruct...
A Data science-based solution needs to address problems at multiple levels. While it addresses a business problem, computationally it is comprised of a pipeline of algor...
David Donoho published a fascinating paper based on a presentation at the Tukey Centennial workshop, Princeton NJ Sept 18 2015. The paper got the attention on Hacker Ne...
Human (or any other animal for that matter) brain computational power is limited by two basic evolution requirements : survival and procreation. Our “hardware”...
WOLFRAM MATHEMATICA Before assessing R and Python, I will start with Wolfram Mathematica. It’s a powerful software, similar to MatLab. You can handle lists and matr...
An archive of all O’Reilly data ebooks is available below for free download. Dive deep into the latest in data science and big data, compiled by O’Reilly edit...
What are the advantages of different classification algorithms? For instance, if we have large training data set with approx more than 10,000 instances and more than 100,...
This article was posted by Tamis van der Laan. Tamis is a data science and machine learning specialist. In the past few decades, computer systems have achieved a whole...
This article was posted by Adrian Rosebrock on Pyimagesearch. Adrian is an entrepreneur and Ph.D who has launched two successful image search engines, ID My Pill and�...