
Ten Signs of Data Science Maturity – Free eBook

Kirk Borne and I recently published “Ten Signs of Data Science Maturity” free O’Reilly ebook (http://www.oreilly.com/data/free/ten-signs-of-data-science-maturity…). The ebook identifies the successful characteristics to help build a competency in data science. 


This report provides a detailed discussion of each of the 10 signs of data science maturity, which—among many other things—encourage you to:

  • Give members of your organization access to all your available data
  • Use Agile and leverage “DataOps”—DevOps for data product development
  • Help your data science team sharpen its skills through open or internal competitions
  • Personify data science as a way of doing things, and not a thing to do

Hope you enjoy it and let us know what you think!

Peter (@petrguerra) and Kirk (@KirkDBorne)


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