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Data Security

Data security is a complex area, with articles covering everything from encryption techniques to privacy compliance to intelligent access, biometrics and single sign-on solutions.

hacker coding at night cybersecurity concept

9 Ways IT Can Do Proactive Cybersecurity

  • Anas Baig 

By taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity, IT departments can help protect their organizations from the ever-growing number of cyber attacks. Here are nine ways IT departments can do proactive cybersecurity.

hooded hacker solar winds hack concept

Cybercrime after COVID-19

  • Paul Cawthon 

The COVID-19 pandemic remains fresh in our memories as it affected many aspects of our lives. Cyberspace is no exception. With the imperative need to stay safe, individuals had to create alternate methods to work, school, communicate and access services. However, this period also saw cybercriminals double their efforts to exploit the situation.


How to Make Black-box Systems more Transparent

This article is intended to users relying on machine learning solutions offered by third party vendors. It applies to platforms, dashboards, traditional software, or even external pieces of code that are too time consuming to modify. One of the goals is to turn such systems into explainable AI.

Imaginative visual of business people and financial firms staff

Visual Marketing: Vulnerable to cybercrimes?

  • Evan Morris 

Today, entertaining short-form content is imperative for companies and brands to stand out online. However, everything comes with a price so does this. When you put everything out there online, cybersecurity risks are involved

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