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Seven Ways that AI in Telecom is Transforming the Enterprises


The telecom sector is no longer limited to delivering basic phone and internet service. In the Internet of Things (IoT) era, mobile and broadband services are driving technological innovation. Telcos are utilizing AI to handle and analyze these massive amounts of Big Data to extract meaningful insights and improve customer experience, operations, and revenue through new products and services. With Gartner predicting that 20.4 billion connected devices would be in use globally by 2020, more service providers can see the benefit of AI in the telecom industry, including optimization, maintenance, client targeting, and more.

1. Network Optimization

To strengthen their infrastructure, 63.5 percent of operators are investing in AI systems. In the telecom industry, artificial intelligence is critical for CSPs to develop self-optimizing networks (SONs), which allow operators to autonomously adjust network quality based on traffic data by region and time zone. Artificial intelligence in the telecom industry utilizes powerful algorithms to seek patterns in data. It allows telcos to discover, forecast network anomalies, and proactively address problems before customers are harmed.

2. Detecting and preventing fraud

ML algorithms cut down fraudulent activities happening in the telecom industry, such as fake profiles, illegal access, etc. With the aid of advanced ML algorithms, the system can detect the irregularities occurring on a real-time basis, which is more effective than what human analysts can perform.

3. Enabling predictive analytics

By combining data, complex algorithms, and machine learning approaches to anticipate future results based on historical data, AI-driven predictive analytics assists telcos in providing better services. It means that operators may use data-driven insights to track the health of equipment, predict failure based on patterns, and prevent problems with communications hardware like cell towers, power lines, data center servers, and even set-top boxes in consumers€™ homes. Through the process of Predictive Analytics, CSPs can make efficient and effective business decisions. Technologies such as network automation and intelligence will allow for more accurate root cause investigation and issue prediction. With technologies such as AI/ML, it will support more strategic aims like creating new consumer experiences and efficiently dealing with evolving company needs.

4. Optimizing Service Quality

Machine learning and artificial intelligence in telecom can assist you in improving the quality of your service. You can apply Machine Learning techniques to forecast how your network€™s consumption will change over time across the different geographies it serves. In order to improve optimization, a variety of criteria can be considered, including time zone, hour, weather, national or regional holidays, and more.

5. Improve Customer Service

Another advantage of AI in telecom is through the automation of the customer service mechanism. It can help telcos reinvent customer relationships through personalized, intelligent, and persistent two-way conversations at scale. Conversational AI systems are another use-case of AI in telecom. According to Juniper Research, virtual assistants have learned to automate and scale one-on-one conversations so effectively that they are expected to save businesses up to $8 billion annually by 2022. The large volume of support requests for installation, set up, troubleshooting, and maintenance, which often overwhelm customer service centers, has led telcos to turn to virtual assistants for assistance. Operators can add self-service capabilities that show customers how to install and run their own devices using data science, AI, and machine learning.

6. Preventing Malicious Activity

Machine Learning can effectively protect your network from dangerous behaviours such as DDoS attacks. Using AI in telecom, the network can be trained to recognize a large number of similar requests that are inundating it.  At the same time, it lets them decide whether to deny these requests outright or shunt them to a less busy data center to be handled manually by your staff.

7. Foster innovation and drive new business

One of the promises of 5G is to bring Industry 4.0 use cases to fruition by enabling high speed, low latency, and dense deployment of endpoints such as sensors, robots, and video cameras. It opens up new business opportunities for telcos to not only outsourced IT services to the enterprises but also offer innovative services driven by AI at the Edge. New innovative AI-driven services are geared to address many new business segments, for which telecom operators will be one of the beneficiaries.

AI technology plays an essential role in digital transformation across all industries and verticals. The crucial integration of AI in the telecom industry will help assist and guide CSPs in delivering, managing, and optimizing the telecom infrastructure and networks.

Do you agree artificial intelligence is changing the telecom industry? If yes, how will it benefit an operator? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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