There’s a lot of literature on learning the technical aspect of data science: statistics, machine learning, data munging, big data. This material will serve you wel...
Most academic papers and blogs about machine learning focus on improvements to algorithms and features. At the same time, the widely acknowledged truth is that throwin...
Best intentions We talk a lot about making decisions based on data but we need to be careful about how hard and fast those decisions are. Our decisions are only as good ...
Digging through messy data and doing numerous calculations just so you can submit a report or arrive at the result of your quarterly business development can sometimes be...
There are lots of writings about how data analytics changes business and everything, but deep down it only matters how you put these analytics in action. This is a softwa...
Most of us, unless we’re insurance actuaries or Wall Street quantitative analysts, have only a vague notion of algorithms and how they work. But they actually affect ou...
This article was written by Joseph Rickert. We all “know” that correlation does not imply causation, that unmeasured and unknown factors can confound a seem...
This article was written by Fjodor Van Veen. With new neural network architectures popping up every now and then, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Knowing all th...
My favorite quote on Big Data is by Dan Ariely who says “Big Data is like teenage sex, everyone talks about it, no one really knows how to do it, everyone thinks ...
This article was written by Hannah Augur. Hannah is a writer, editor and nerd based in Berlin. She’s a researcher with knowledge and work in a variety of fields, i...