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Forewarn: Business growth with current situation of AI in Construction Market


In these uncertain and unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 outbreak, more and more businesses are witnessing a slow-down in their operations. However, the construction market is continuing to be resilient in spite of the tremendous challenges brought about by COVID-19 pandemic.

When it comes to construction sites, drive-thru strategies and work from home are not feasible as they need to run job sites. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one such technology in construction industry, which is helping to sustain in these trying times. According to a Research Dive published report, the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the global AI in construction market .

Transforming the Construction Industry

Artificial intelligence in the realm of the engineering & construction industry, is renovating construction to €˜artificial construction.€™ In these pandemic situation, AI is leading to real-time VR (Virtual Reality) construction models and reducing errors. The major market player are implementing several business strategies in AI in construction market to sustain in these trying times. For instance, Vinnie, a construction-trained AI engine by smartvid.io can see if the workers are close to each other in this COVID-19 pandemic through the introduction of its novel €˜People in Group€™ analytics.

Today, AI in construction industry has become a common tool for carrying out many construction activities. In addition, many big companies in the construction industry all across the globe are immensely adopting AI as it boasts a multitude of applications. AI has the ability to accurately evaluate the cost overrun of a project, on the basis of factors such as type of contract, size, and also the level of competence of the managers to risk moderation via self-driving machinery and equipment. Thus, there€™s no reason for AI not being a part of toolset for any construction firm.

The activities detected by artificial intelligence in construction in every image include:

  • Excavation
  • Foundation
  • Demolition
  • Trench Work
  • Concrete Pour
  • Structural Steel
  • Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing
  • Finish work

New COVID-19 Tags of AI in Construction

The novel tags of artificial intelligence in construction activities due to coronavirus pandemic provide opportunities for improved and efficient workflows. AI can automatically acclaim risk ratings on the basis of the hazards detected in combination with circumstantial tags. In addition, during the ongoing demolition, you can dive more deeply into the images, find any demolition photo with a quick search, and create an observation. The rules to follow during this pandemic situation can be also established within these contexts.

Artificial intelligence has already created a benchmark in construction industry. Unlike humans who would lose focus and tire after identifying hazards in large number of images, AI equipment never fades in finding out the hazards quickly and accurately. Beside, with the new tags for COVID-19, AI can now adopt some of the context that people clench without barely thinking. The better AI is getting in construction activities, the more information will be obtained such as identifying risks and prevent any hazardous incidents from happening.

The new tags of AI in construction for COVID-19 include:

Worker in Cab – These photos show someone operating a machine or driving a vehicle.

Worker at Height €“ These images show someone on a ladder, in a lift, or near an unprotected edge.

Workers in Groups: This is a way to identify whether the worker are standing too close to each other in groups and not performing €œsocial distancing€ in the new era of coronavirus.

Today, the vast majority of construction firms big or small are relying more on technology such as artificial intelligence to sustain. The key players of AI in construction industry are advancing AI-trained equipment and engines to effectively run their businesses in the coronavirus chaos. Thus, in reality, this has become a necessity for the firms to innovate technology in order to keep the business afloat amid these uncertain times.

About Us:
Research Dive is a market research firm based in Pune, India. Maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the services, the firm provides the services that are solely based on its exclusive data model, compelled by the 360-degree research methodology, which guarantees comprehensive and accurate analysis. With unprecedented access to several paid data resources, team of expert researchers, and strict work ethic, the firm offers insights that are extremely precise and reliable. Scrutinizing relevant news releases, government publications, decades of trade data, and technical & white papers, Research dive deliver the required services to its clients well within the required timeframe. Its expertise is focused on examining niche markets, targeting its major driving factors, and spotting threatening hindrances. Complementarily, it also has a seamless collaboration with the major industry aficionado that further offers its research an edge.

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