Summary: Just how accurate are algorithms at spotting fake news and are we ready to turn them loose to suppress material they don’t find credible. Here are some con...
And 92 percent of all (positive) integers have a factor under 1,000. And how many have a factor under 6? Can you guess the answer? Read more to find out. Clearly, the vas...
I was joking when I entered on Google, “Where was my coworker yesterday?” After reviewing the responses that appeared from the search engine, I continued, “What d...
Business Analytics and Business Intelligence are the most-heard terms in the global corporate environment lately. It refers to utilizing advanced technological tools to g...
News from Tableau. We launched Tableau 10.2 today and wanted to let you know some of the highlights. Python Integration. We are adding python integration that enable...
Good afternoon all, For those of you who have an interest, and or involvement in “Deep Learning” or want to learn more I’ve created this matrix. It’s by no means ...
By Reiichiro Nakano. There are a number of visualizations that frequently pop up in machine learning. Scikit-plot is a humble attempt to provide aesthetically-challenged ...
Time series forecasting is different from other machine learning problems. The key difference is the fixed sequence of observations and the constraints and additional str...
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has had a huge influence on today’s society, as ongoing discussions evaluate the impacts of creating machines and comput...
Linear Regression is one of the most widely used statistical models. If Y is a continuous variable i.e. can take decimal values, and is expected to have linear relation w...