Learn practical tips to organize and manage your content library effectively. From content audits to CMS tools, discover strategies for optimizing, updating, and maintai...
2025 will be the year when Artificial Intelligence (AI) must prove itself beyond driving mundane, easily replicated productivity improvements. To be successful, AI must f...
Part I: Background and some indicators of how AI is helping IBM’s Quantum System 2 on display at the Q2B 2024 Silicon Valley conference in December (author’s ...
Whether rendering sensitive datasets anonymous with synthetic data or simply facilitating ad-hoc question answering on a corpus of domain-specific knowledge, enterprise a...
Data centers are consuming a massive amount of power. The easiest solution is to raise temperatures, driving resource utilization down. However, that complicates hardware...
In this article, I share my latest Gen AI and LLM advances, featuring innovative approaches radically different from both standard AI and classical ML/NLP. The focus is o...
The medical field has some of the greatest potential for artificial intelligence (AI) implementation. The right algorithms and data could identify hard-to-pin illnesses a...
There is a recent article in STAT, Researchers are betting on cockroaches as the cure to elitism in neuroscience, stating that, “..how the brain uses chemical and...
AI meeting assistant is an advanced software tool powered by artificial intelligence that streamlines various aspects of meeting management. These virtual helpers handle ...
Even though IoT has been around for a while, adoption has accelerated thanks to recent technology advancements, including improved connections, cloud computing, machine l...