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Next Generation Automated Machine Learning (AML)

Summary:  Automated Machine Learning has only been around for a little over two years and already there are over 20 providers in this space.  However, a new European AML platform called Tazi, new in the US, is showing what the next generation of AML will look like.

Next Generation Automated Machine Learning (AML)I’ve been a follower and a fan of Automated Machine Learning (AML) since it first appeared in the market about two years ago.  I wrote an article on all five of the market entrants I could find at the time under the somewhat scary title Data Scientists Automated and Unemployed by 2025!.

As time passed I tried to keep up with the new entrants.  A year later I wrote a series of update articles (links at the end of this article) that identified 7 competitors and 3 open source code packages.  It was growing.

I’ve continued to try to keep track and I’m sure the count is now over 20 including at least three new entrants I just discovered at the March Strata Data conference in San Jose.  I’m hoping that Gartner will organize all of this into a separate category soon.

Now that there are so many claimants, I do want to point out that the ones I think really earn this title are the ones that come closest to the original description of one-click-data-in-model-out.  There are a whole host of providers providing semi-AML in which there are a number of simplified steps but are not truly one-click in simplicity and completeness.

What’s the Value?

Originally the claim was that these might completely replace data scientists.  The marketing pitch was that the new Citizen Data Scientists (CDS) comprised mostly of motivated but untrained LOB managers and business analysts could simply step in and produce production quality models.  Those of us on this side of the wizard’s curtain understood that was never going to be the case. 

Read the full article, here

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