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34 External Machine Learning Resources and Related Articles

Starred articles are candidates for the picture of the week. A comprehensive list of all past resources is found here. We are in the process of automatically categorizing them using indexation and automated tagging algorithms.


  1. Open Data: 7 V’s, and Thousands of Repositories 
  2. MapReduce Use Case 
  3. Common Probability Distributions: The Data Scientist’s Crib Sheet 
  4. A Brief History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning 
  5. Announcing the Machine Learning Quora Sessions Series 
  6. A Step-By-Step Introduction to SAS Report Procedure 
  7. Introduction to Statistics (Part – I) 
  8. Top certifications for SAS, R, Python, Machine Learning 
  9. 6 points to compare Python and Scala for data science using Spark 
  10. Build your own neural network classifier in R 


Source: Article #19


  1. The newest prime number is more than 22 million digits long 
  2. Watch This Robot Solve a Rubik’s Cube in Less Than 2 Seconds 
  3. Thanks to a $28 million grant, Harvard is researching artificial in… 
  4. The world has lost one of its greatest minds in science. – RIP Marvin Minsky
  5. Maths study shows conspiracies ‘prone to unravelling’ 
  6. Google’s AI cracked the game no computer could beat 
  7. How We Are Using Data Science To Personalize Education 
  8. A new MIT computer chip could allow your smartphone to do complex A… 
  9. Predicting El Niño’s flood risk: How new warning systems save lives… 
  10. Big Data is Dead. All Aboard the AI Hype Train! 
  11. Tech-Stock Selloff: Big Data’s Bad Day 
  12. Microsoft picks startups for its machine learning accelerator 
  13. Head of Google Search retires, artificial intelligence chief to tak… 
  14. This AI Algorithm Learns Simple Tasks as Fast as We Do 
  15. Alphabet to Put Artificial Intelligence in Charge of Google Search 
  16. Thinking Like a Data Scientist 
  17. Yahoo’s Gigantic ‘Anonymized’ User Dataset Isn’t All That Anonymous 
  18. 12 Best Charts and Graphs of 2015 **
  19. 22 data experts share their predictions for 2016 
  20. Automation Is the New Reality for Big Data Initiatives 
  21. FTC Releases Its Big Data Bible 
  22. Obama Wants Companies To Disclose Pay Data – More work for data solution vendors, data scientists and attorneys
  23. A Yahoo Employee-Ranking System Is Challenged in Court – What if the score was computed by an algorithm?

Check out our previous selection of articles.

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