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Free book – Cloud Native, Containers and Next-Gen Apps


I always seek good resources for my teaching at #universityofoxford and this is a great free book on Cloud native – a topic that is very much in the focus

The book needs a free registration and is provided as a full ebook by d2iq.

D2iq was formerly mesosphere – the commercial arm of mesos – but now is focussed towards Kubernetes and cloud native services. See this techcrunch link for some background.

Previously, some chapters were free. Now the whole book seems to be a free download

Containers and Cloud native is the way of the future. By 2023, 70% of applications deployed in the cloud will use containers as a packaging mechanism, up from 20% in 2020. (vmware)

The book table of contents is

 Introduction to Cloud Native                                                                                                                                                       

  • Distributed Systems
  • Fallacies of Distributed Systems
  • CAP Theorem
  • The Twelve-Factor App
  • Availability and Service-Level Agreements
  • Summary


  • Containers
  • Container Isolation Levels
  • Container Orchestration  
  • Kubernetes Overview  
  • Kubernetes and Containers  
  • Serverless Computing  
  • Functions  
  • From VMs to Cloud Native  
  • Lift-and-Shift  
  • Application Modernization  
  • Application Optimization
  • Microservices
  • Benefits of a Microservices Architecture  
  • Challenges with a Microservices Architecture  
  • Summary  

Designing Cloud Native Applications                                                                                                                                

  • Fundamentals of Cloud Native Applications  
  • Operational Excellence  
  • Security  
  • Reliability and Availability
  • Scalability and Cost  
  • Cloud Native versus Traditional Architectures  
  • Functions versus Services  
  • Function Scenarios  
  • Considerations for Using Functions  
  • Composite of Functions and Services  
  • API Design and Versioning  
  • API Backward and Forward Compatibility
  • Semantic Versioning  
  • Service Communication  
  • Protocols  
  • Messaging Protocols  
  • Serialization Considerations  
  • Idempotency  
  • Request/Response  
  • Publisher/Subscriber  
  • Choosing Between Pub/Sub and Request Response  
  • Synchronous versus Asynchronous  
  • Gateways
  • Routing
  • Aggregation  
  • Offloading  
  • Implementing Gateways  
  • Egress  
  • Service Mesh  
  • Example Architecture  
  • Summary  

Working with Data                                                                                                                                                                             

  • Data Storage Systems  
  • Objects, Files, and Disks  
  • Databases  
  • Streams and Queues  
  • Blockchain  
  • Selecting a Datastore  
  • Data in Multiple Datastores  
  • Change Data Capture  
  • Write Changes as an Event to a Change Log  
  • Transaction Supervisor  
  • Compensating Transactions
  • Extract, Transform, and Load  
  • Microservices and Data Lakes  
  • Client Access to Data  
  • Restricted Client Tokens (Valet-Key)  
  • Database Services with Fine-Grained Access Control  
  • GraphQL Data Service  
  • Fast Scalable Data  
  • Sharding Data  
  • Caching Data  
  • Content Delivery Networks  
  • Analyzing Data   
  • Streams   
  • Batch   
  • Data Lakes on Object Storage   
  • Data Lakes and Data Warehouses   
  • Distributed Query Engines   
  • Databases on Kubernetes   
  • Storage Volumes   
  • StatefulSets   
  • DaemonSets   
  • Summary   


  • What Is DevOps?   
  • Collaboration   
  • Automation  
  • Lean Principles and Processes  
  • Measurement
  • Sharing
  • Testing  
  • Test Doubles  
  • Test Automation Pyramid  
  • When to Run Which Types of Tests  
  • Testing Cadence  
  • Testing in Production   
  • Development Environments and Tools   
  • Development Tools   
  • Development Environments   
  • Local Development Environments   
  • Table of Contents | v
  • Local Development with a Remote Cluster   
  • Skaffold Development Workflow   
  • Remote Cluster Routed to Local Development   
  • Cloud Development Environments   
  • CI/CD   
  • Source Code Control   
  • Build Stage (CI)   
  • Test Stage (CI)   
  • Deploy Stage (CD)   
  • Release Stage (CD)   
  • Post-Release Stage   
  • Monitoring   
  • Collecting Metrics   
  • Observable Services   
  • Configuration Management   
  • Single-Environment Variable   
  • Multiple-Environment Variables   
  • Adding ConfigMap Data to a Volume   
  • Storing Secrets   
  • Deployment Configuration   
  • Sample CI/CD Flows   
  • Summary   

Best Practices                                                                                                                                                                                          

  • Moving to Cloud Native   
  • Breaking Up the Monolith for the Right Reasons   
  • Decouple Simple Services First   
  • Learn to Operate on a Small Scale   
  • Use an Anticorruption Layer Pattern   
  • Use a Strangler Pattern   
  • Come Up with a Data Migration Strategy   
  • Rewrite Any Boilerplate Code   
  • Reconsider Frameworks, Languages, Data Structures, and Datastores   
  • Retire Code   
  • Ensuring Resiliency   
  • Handle Transient Failures with Retries   
  • Use a Finite Number of Retries   
  • Use Circuit Breakers for Nontransient Failures   
  • Graceful Degradation   
  • Use a Bulkhead Pattern   
  • Implement Health Checks and Readiness Checks   
  • Define CPU and Memory Limits for Your Containers   
  • Implement Rate Limiting and Throttling   
  • Ensuring Security   
  • Treat Security Requirements the Same as Any Other Requirements   
  • Incorporate Security in Your Designs   
  • Grant Least-Privileged Access   
  • Use Separate Accounts/Subscriptions/Tenants   
  • Securely Store All Secrets   
  • Obfuscate Data   
  • Encrypt Data in Transit   
  • Use Federated Identity Management   
  • Use Role-Based Access Control   
  • Isolate Kubernetes Pods   
  • Working with Data   
  • Use Managed Databases and Analytics Services   
  • Use a Datastore That Best Fits Data Requirements   
  • Keep Data in Multiple Regions or Zones   
  • Use Data Partitioning and Replication for Scale   
  • Avoid Overfetching and Chatty I/O   
  • Don’t Put Business Logic in the Database   
  • Test with Production-like Data   
  • Handle Transient Failures   
  • Performance and Scalability   
  • Design Stateless Services That Scale Out   
  • Use Platform Autoscaling Features   
  • Use Caching   
  • Use Partitioning to Scale Beyond Service Limits   
  • Functions   
  • Write Single-Purpose Functions   
  • Don’t Chain Functions   
  • Keep Functions Light and Simple   
  • Make Functions Stateless   
  • Separate Function Entry Point from the Function Logic   
  • Avoid Long-Running Functions   
  • Use Queues for Cross-Function Communication   
  • Operations   
  • Deployments and Releases Are Separate Activities   
  • Keep Deployments Small   
  • CI/CD Definition Lives with the Component   
  • Consistent Application Deployment   
  • Use Zero-Downtime Releases   
  • Don’t Modify Deployed Infrastructure   
  • Use Containerized Build   
  • Describe Infrastructure Using Code   
  • Use Namespaces to Organize Services in Kubernetes   
  • Isolate the Environments   
  • Separate Function Source Code   
  • Correlate Deployments with Commits   
  • Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting   
  • Use a Unified Logging System   
  • Use Correlation IDs   
  • Include Context with Log Entries   
  • Common and Structured Logging Format   
  • Tag Your Metrics Appropriately   
  • Avoid Alert Fatigue   
  • Define and Alert on Key Performance Indicators   
  • Continuous Testing in Production   
  • Start with Basic Metrics   
  • Service Communication   
  • Design for Backward and Forward Compatibility   
  • Define Service Contracts That Do Not Leak Internal Details   
  • Prefer Asynchronous Communication   
  • Use Efficient Serialization Techniques   
  • Use Queues or Streams to Handle Heavy Loads and Traffic Spikes   
  • Batch Requests for Efficiency   
  • Split Up Large Messages   
  • Containers   
  • Store Images in a Trusted Registry   
  • Utilize the Docker Build Cache   
  • Don’t Run Containers in Privileged Mode   
  • Use Explicit Container Image Tags   
  • Keep Container Images Small   
  • Run One Application per Container   
  • Use Verified Images from Trusted Repositories   
  • Use Vulnerability Scanning Tools on Images   
  • Don’t Store Data in Containers   
  • Never Store Secrets or Configuration Inside an Image   
  • Summary   


  • Why Make Applications Portable?   
  • The Costs of Portability   
  • Data Gravity and Portability   
  • When and How to Implement Portability   
  • Standardized Interfaces   

You can download the whole book for a free registration HERE


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