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Why IoT is Better for Monitoring Gas Concentration Levels?


Rising gas levels are solidly dangerous, impacting our lives at huge stakes. Even the slightest spark would ignite the premises and would cost a fortune to the industries.

Well, the Internet of Things is one of a kind technology that has the capabilities of potentializing the assets to their optimal performances. In the case of IoT-powered gas monitoring system, the sensor devices are installed on the infrastructure and sense the presence of toxic gases in the air. This helps in reducing the risk of explosions.

Are there any other needs for implementing a gas monitoring system? Let’s find out why only IoT is the chosen technology to monitor gas concentration levels.

IoT: The Chosen Technology for Gas Industries

Checking the reality, the Kentucky gas explosion caused a huge loss. It happened due to a rupture in a 30-inch gas transmission pipeline. Had the gas concentration levels been predicted or monitored at the first stage, this incident would have been avoided.

It is an everyday scenario where one or the other place is damaged with gas explosions and causes many unexpected deaths. Taking preventive measures like implementing IoT technology within the industrial premises can be of great help.

McKinsey states that by the year 2025, the total economic impact due to IoT will range between $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion. This is a huge impact that allows the industries to procure IoT and its capabilities on advanced levels.

IoT and its Capabilities to Transform Gas Industry:


Advanced Analytics

Improving the performance of the existing infrastructure in the oil and gas industry is a feasible option by adopting IoT. On the other hand, the gas industry has to maintain safety measures against gas leaks or transmission pipeline damage, which can be handled better with the IoT implementation. You can an improve the exploration efforts and process, detect seismic traces, and perform accurate drilling by leveraging the benefits of advanced analytics you can stay prepared for multiple risk situations. This helps in keeping a suitable environment for the workers by analyzing the required oxygen levels when working underground. Moreover, with the help of IoT and sensor devices, it is easier to detect inflammable gases when the employees work in enclosed spaces and maintain prior security measures for the future.

Smart Asset Monitoring

Monitoring the assets at a whole advanced level helps to improve the overall plant’s performance and in the case of gas industry, it helps you detect toxic gas emission to avoid accidents. Better-performing equipment is the main asset of industrial productivity. They help in increasing the ROI and provide accurate status updates of equipment. Smart asset monitoring helps automate monotonous tasks and eliminates manual involvement in decision making. In this, assets are integrated with a single unit so that the companies can easily track asset performance and monitor multiple sites simultaneously. IoT sensors accurately monitor the remotely located gas pipelines at a cost-effective budget and also alert the authorities to take action against gas leakage, saving the lives.

Data Management

With millions of connected devices, data management is one of the greatest challenges faced by the gas industry companies as it produces large amounts of data every day. However, with the help of IoT devices, data management becomes safe, efficient, and allows the companies to perform productively. Also, collecting data on hazardous gases and sensing their presence in the atmosphere is mainly required to avoid accidents. This data is then used further to analyze different situations where gases can be of huge risk. It predicts the future scenario and helps the authorities to take necessary actions for saving lives and infrastructures.

Centralized Controlling

IoT enables efficient remote services for easy maintenance even from a distance. The authorities can operate a gas monitoring system from their comfort zones and take immediate action in case of accidents. IoT makes equipment maintenance easier by offering remote services to handle the assets in a cost-effective way. With the help of centralized smart gadgets and dashboards, the gas plant authorities find it easier to analyze the data collected through sensor devices. They experiment with different situations based on this data to predict scenarios that might occur in the future and prepare themselves for any risks.

Gas Detectors for Better Plant Performance

Utilizing IoT concepts involves the working of different kinds of sensors and gateways that increases asset performance by fetching the regular plant activity data. Also, gas detector devices detect the presence of gases in a particular region as part of a safety system. These are significantly used to detect flammable, combustible, toxic gases, and oxygen depletion levels in different facilities. These devices are widely used for industrial purposes and monitor gas leak risks during the manufacturing process.

An IoT-powered gas monitoring system is equipped with an audible alarm that alerts the managers about gas leaks, which allows them to take immediate actions like evacuating the premises. Let’s see some of the sensor devices that can help you IoTize the plant facility for improved safety.

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensor:

This sensor is a wireless device with a range of 1200+ feet. It helps you detect the level of carbon monoxide gas in the surroundings. It is a cost-effective system that is designed with industry standards and possesses premium performance specifications. It comprises of an online sensor monitoring and notification system where the user is informed about the gas leakage.

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensor:

It is a wireless device that consumes ultra-low power and measures an accurate amount of carbon-di-oxide in the air. It calculates within 0-10000 ppm CO2 range with a +3% accuracy of a reading. A CO2 sensor helps review and export data on the system and notifies the user when the threshold conditions have been met or exceeded. It is significantly applied to check indoor air quality in greenhouses, gas stores, marine vessels, cryonics, and ventilation management.

  • Hydrogen Sulfide Gas (H2S) sensor:

H2S is a toxic gas that causes health issues when exposed in the air. An IoT powered hydrogen sulfide gas sensor helps notify the presence of gas levels when the threshold is reached. The readings can be viewed on an internet-based system in a spreadsheet format. This sensor is highly applicable in the areas where the natural gas is produced.

An IoT-powered gas monitoring system is the most significant escape from industrial accidents. You can implement this system within your facility to identify the presence of toxic gases and save yourself a huge amount of money. IoT is a disruptive technology which when implemented within an industrial facility offers automation and improved asset management. A sensor-based gas monitoring system helps alleviate your managerial skills by collecting valuable data for future analysis. It is a crucial step to implement in your industry for toxic and inflammable gas detection that can help avoid life losses much before any mishap.

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