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Web Personalisation with Drupal and Machine Learning

In this modern age, self-driving cars, voice-based assistants, social media feeds, and more are the tools fuelled by the technological marvel of the 21st century called machine learning.

If you wish to learn about the importance of web personalization and how machine learning impacts the Drupal development, then this article is for you.


So let’s get started to understand what machine learning does and why its demand is proliferating.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is the field of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on analyzing data and enables making intelligent decisions based on the analysis. It is composed of multiple technologies such as deep learning, neural network, and natural language processing.

Although Machine Learning is not a new technology but has grown multifold in the last few years, Machine Learning has a broad range of applications across industries such as Manufacturing, Finance, Retail, Transport and Logistics, Healthcare, and more.

Major enterprises require descriptive analytics to manage their business efficiently. But that’s not sufficient! Enterprises need to move beyond descriptive analytics and scale-up intelligence capability by implementing Machine Learning in their business operations.

Business processes driven by revenue-making are considered amongst the most valuable applications, including sales, customer service, finance, pricing, and order fulfillment. Machine learning utilizes a deep learning algorithm to access the browsing patterns of users. It provides insights by determining who already purchased a product or service that was available on your website.

Another reason behind the popularity of Machine Learning is its ability to generate a massive amount of data sets through synthetic means like extrapolation and projection of existing historical data to produce realistic predicted data.

Advantages of integrating Machine Learning with Drupal CMS

 • Website Personalization

The future websites will be personalized based on user data’s prediction by analyzing their searches. User’s behavior, such as clicks, history searches, reads, and more, can be linked with a unique identifier (UID). ML enables analyzing each UID and its corresponding data to create a highly customized experience for the end-users on the website based on insights obtained from data sets related to the individual. It requires authorization permission from the user to prevent any privacy infringement issues. Websites are already doing such web personalizations.The top Drupal development companies are constantly working on their improvement, while additionally showing a huge advantage over other CMSs. Integrating ML with Drupal will prove to be an added advantage over other CMSs.

 • Grammar Check

The content of Drupal-based websites can be scanned automatically at the time of content creation with the help of Machine Learning. Hence, it will point-out other grammatical corrections along with spelling errors.

 • Voice-based Search

How about controlling the website by your voice? Yes, you read it right. Machine Learning allows creating such sites. It provides a user with the ability to navigate throughout the website by using his/her voice.

 • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Metatags are the essential on-page components for the marketing strategy of the website. Machine learning enables automatic generation of meta tags for each page of the website.


Hence, Machine Learning comes with tremendous capabilities of providing unparalleled opportunities to make our lives better. Machine Learning algorithms can transform the Drupal website into interactive CMS by crafting personalized experience to the customers.

If you wish to develop customized web applications for your projects, consider hiring a technology company that specializes in Drupal development to create an intuitive experience for end-users.

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