
Introductory Guide To Excel

  • ShayPal 

This article is contributed by Atiq Rehman.


What if you’re not an Excel expert? This is your guide. It was initially intended for SEO people, though many will find it useful.


This guide contains explanations of the 29 functions that you need to know about. We’ve split them into 3 chapters to help you navigate them.

For each one we’ve included a simple SEO based example of it in use. We’ve also included notes on it’s uses for day-to-day SEO work and a link or two to useful more technical articles.

There is also an appendix. It contains a beginners guide to error checking, a list of the 17 Excel shortcuts that you’ll actually use day-to-day, links to some great Excel sites if you want to find out more and finally a brief note on SEO Tools For Excel, an SEO focused Excel add-in.


  • Chapter 1: Working With Tables Of Data
  • Chapter 2: Working With Text And URL Strings
  • Chapter 3: Working With Dates & Days
  • Appendix 1: Dealing With Errors
  • Appendix 2: 17 Excel Shortcuts You’ll Use Everyday
  • Appendix 3: Great Excel resources
  • Appendix 4: SEO Tools For Excel

For full article – please click here. For other Excel references, click here


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