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12 Important careers to explore in big data

Psst!  Want to know a secret?

Engineers are no longer taking home a five figure salary. Instead, they are now expanding their reach to earn six figure incomes.

Wondering how they do it?

Well, for starters, they are well read and know what’s trending in the industry.  If there is a hiring pattern in the industry, they realize the potential of getting in it and exploring it further.

But, how can you replicate the same for your career?

Data Science can’t be ignored, and there’re quite a few reasons why!

First and foremost graduates with interest in software languages will find it exciting to know that there is a high demand for graduates too, who can master languages like SAS, R, and Hadoop.

Big data has further brought into the spotlight the growing need to get expert data scientists on board who not only have the technical skills but can also visualize the solutions in a simple yet efficient manner.

That being said, the demand far outweighs the supply with the industry in the US showing an acute shortage of 140K to 190K big data specialists who possess the necessary knowledge and skills.

And trust me this shortage is not felt only by the software companies but also in others industries like retail, finance, manufacturing, etc. The opportunity is limitless if you build a strong foundation for your career.


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