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The Periodic Table Of AI

This article was written by Kris Hammond.

This is an invitation to collaborate. In particular, it is an invitation to collaborate in framing how we look at and develop machine intelligence. Even more specifically, it is an invitation to collaborate in the construction of a Periodic Table of AI.

Let’s be honest. Thinking about Artificial Intelligence has proven to be difficult for us.  We argue constantly about what is and is not AI.  We certainly cannot agree on how to test for it.  We have difficultly deciding what technologies should be included within it.  And we struggle with how to evaluate it.

Even so, we are looking at a future in which intelligent technologies are becoming commonplace.  Take personal assistants, albeit simple, they are now on our phones and in our homes.  Intelligent analytical systems are beginning to evaluate our credit worthiness, investment risks and massive transactional flows to alert us about fraud and money manipulation. And even ignoring the possibilities associated with having our health tracked and maintained by agents with access to every piece of online medical information, we are surrounded by systems that track our transactions, interests and connections in order to give us advice about who we might want to be friends with, what we might want to buy and even who we should consider dating.

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