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Questions To Answer And Factors To Consider For Web Analytics

It will be unwise to expect you will generate lot of sales if you have significant amount of web traffic. It alone cannot be of much help in this matter. You will need to track the website metrics properly in order to take necessary measure to convert the traffic into your business prospects. You will need to analyze your website from time to time to ensure that it is not only accessible to the users but also provides all necessary guidance to show them the right way to make a purchase.

If you are a good online marketing strategist, you will know the answers to different questions that may be put up by your visitors. In order to ensure that you provide them with just the solutions they want, you will need to find answers to a few specific questions and a proper website analysis will help you a great deal in this matter.

Ideally, a successful business owner knows the answers to questions such as:

  • Where the traffic to their website is coming from?
  • What are the web pages that their visitors are landing on the most?
  • What percentage of their visitors come back to visit their website?
  • How many such visitors actually convert into customers?

If you lack these answers it will imply that you are only concerned on the volume of traffic and not on its quality. Any good website on a reliable browser will have a large number of visitors but that is due to the accessibilityof these sites which does not deduce that these sites are of highest quality. If your site lacks in quality, it will surely affect your sales as a result.

Therefore, for a successful website to generate leads and sales it does not matter how many people visit that website but all that matters is whether or not those who visit the site are just the “right” kind of people. The “right” kind of people means those type of people who will buy your product or service someday.

It is for this reason you should emphasize on good website analytics as that will take out the mystery of wondering who is visiting the website of your company and for what reason. However, to use these web analytics tools, you need not be an expert online marketing strategist. You will find a plethora of website analytics packages2800633706on the web for sale. However, it is best that you get started with the free Google Analytics.

Factors to consider

The Google service provides you with a useful line of code that you can plug into each of the pages of your website to start tracking its functionality and performance. These tools will help you to get a proper breakdown of how many visitors came to your website. Along with that these tools will also help you to know several other things such as:

  • How long a visitor stayed in your site
  • What are the sites that they previously came from
  • What search terms or keywords they used to reach to your website and
  • Which are the pages in your website they visited the most?

In order to know the answers to these most significant questions you will need to consider a few most important points to get the right numbers. These are:

  • Do the visitors of your website already know you – The primary objective of a website is to link the brand or the business with the potential new customers. These customers may never have heard about you or your business before and they may not be those people who may be simply looking up your web address. Ideally, a well-crafted website must have only a small percentage of visitors, maybe 5%, who will actually have used the name of the companyto find and visit it.
  • Is your website bringing in more potential customers–You should have proper search keywords used so that people can reach to your site more easily. Typically, use of proper keywords will raise the level of Accessibility to wards your website enabling you to bring in more potential customers. All you have to do now is know what they want and deliver them with that exactly. They will surely buy from you if you offer the best deal.
  • How well does your social media presence work: Most of the businesses of today use their social media connection to guide them towards their business websites. Typically it is seen that, if you put in 10% of your online marketing energies on social media and 25% of the entire number of visits to your website come from Facebook or Twitter, you can consider your business to be in good shape. You will be even better off if you can set a few specific goals to achieve through Google Analytics. One such goal may be that you want the visitors to come from Facebook to see a particular post on your website that links to a specific promotional offer. In the end, if you want to see how many people followed the path, you can tweet the promotion later on.
  • Are your visitors bailing from the homepage of your site – With the help of Google Analytics you will be able to know about the bounce rate of your home page and even know the exact percentage of visitors to your home page who actually did not click on any other additional pages. If you find that the bounce rate is more than 60% and within 70%, you may consider that your site has a problem.

Typically, the Google Analytics will help you to know about the specific search terms that your visitors are using to find your site and even tell you whether or not they are the people that you consider to be ‘right.’ If they are, then they should delve deeper into your site but if the analytical results show they are not you can consider re-designing your homepage to make it look more professional, the content more compelling and make your site less confusing to ensure better conversions.

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