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Artificial Intelligence in the Content Marketing Landscape

Rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

“Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important things humanity is working on. It’s more profound than I don’t know, may be electricity or fire.” – Google CEO Sundar Pichai

We are living in an era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotic machines. The future we used to see in the movies back in our childhood is here. We are finally embracing the futuristic technologies of our childhood. 

Artificial intelligence is one of the evolving technologies that is disrupting the value chains of creative economy. It’s a digital brain that learns and carry out decisions without human intervention. Most of the marketers are now choosing AI-powered tools in planning & decision making.

Artificial intelligence is now a flourishing market.

With AI-powered tools, marketers can anticipate the customer’s next move to improve the customer journey. AI-powered marketing will provide better ways to nurture leads, predictive analysis, decision making & automation.

AI helps marketers to accelerate tedious and time-consuming tasks and make decisions at a deeper level so the customers will always get the best experiences.

AI in content creation


Artificial intelligence bots are helping markers in creating content according to the buyer persona. Machine learning algorithms that simulate the human brain can quickly learn and classify a user’s preferences. 

From movies streamed on Netflix to products purchased on Amazon, users can get recommended content tailored to their search queries with AI integration. 

More disruptively, machine learning is now creating original content across multiple industries. It generates text to expand the range of offerings and free up 20% of reporters’ time while growing output tenfold. 

AI offers the content marketing landscape with incredible potential. 

An intelligent robot writer won an award in a literary contest in Japan by writing a short novel. 

Many publishers and news sites use AI tools to cover short reports and stories in sports and politics. The Washington Post has its own AI tool that generated about 70 articles a month in the start.

The press sites use AI because it can produce content at scale, and to increase the coverage, these sites need to deploy automated writing. 

“The future [of journalism] will require automation editors—someone who is both proficient in journalism and computer science” – Francesco Marconi 

However, when it comes to generating content for user interaction, artificial intelligence still can’t beat human writers.

The automated writers can’t connect with readers on an emotional level. As these are only machines, they can’t personalize the content that emotionally connects with readers. 

On the flip side, robot writers can help produce some low-value tasks or when the writer needs to produce content by learning from consumer behavior from a narrowly defined set of interests obtained by a robot writer.

Thereby fantastic results can be obtained when human skills and artificial intelligence combine.

What AI skills should content marketers need?

AI is not still that advance enough to fully simulate human behavior and mind. It is not replacing your jobs either. It is only evolving and getting more sophisticated, and to compete with the technology; you should improve your skills and master the tasks that these intelligent machines can’t accomplish.

If you want to keep up in the era of artificial intelligence, you must learn to:

  • Sharpen your communication skills and emotional intelligence to deepen your relationships with clients and customers. AI systems don’t have that emotional intelligence like a human. So, here you can win the race with empathy. It does not only help you to read your customers’ minds but to communicate with them effectively.
  • Predict the nature of your customers with qualitative research. AI tools can only help you to acquire information about customer interaction at different points of the sales funnel. It won’t help you to understand the nature of your customers. You have to decide the strategies that will work for your customers’ nature. 
  • Gain knowledge of coding, analytics, and mathematics to figure out how to use data sets to propel your business forward. Analytics help you use predictive marketing tools; mathematics allows you to make crucial business decisions. Coding knowledge helps you understand the samples and video tutorials that people share on marketing forums about breakthroughs in data and technology.
  • Create engaging content that entertains your audience – AI tools cannot write blog posts that help solve a customer’s problem on a personal level. Only human writers have that power to persuade customers with emotional, powerful, and persuasive words. A human writer can only bring personality and empathy in the writing that makes a reader take action.
  • Comprehend the ethical concerns – Artificial Intelligence tools may be highly “intelligent,” but they can’t collect consumer data with ethics and integrity. Because these are only the traits of human and digital brains can’t simulate this human skill. Customers feel comfortable when they have surety about the safety of their personal data. If marketers will move forward with the ethical concerns and communicate with their customers how they are protecting their data, customers will feel comfortable.

The future of AI in marketing

Get Started with Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing - Digitalize

Artificial intelligence systems are becoming increasingly effective at performing cognitive tasks. They are here to work side by side with humans to make strategic decisions and think out innovative solutions to complex problems.

Marketers can leverage artificial intelligence tools to make their audience engaged in a meaningful and profitable way. 

It is true that AI is becoming symbiotic with human Labor in many ways.

It compresses speed to insight. It analyses, processes, and presents findings of any data faster than humans and offers real-time responses. 

But it doesn’t mean it is replacing human creatives and strategists. AI only helps humans to push their creative boundaries so they can invest in more interesting tasks.

It’s all about building a team of AI experts who can brainstorm ideas with artificial intelligence and put them into practice.

The future of marketing isn’t the AI takeover – it’s a creative, effective, and valuable collaboration between human and Artificial Intelligence.


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