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Getting the Social Data Intelligence right

As the reach of social data expands by every passing day, more and more people are posting their views, thoughts and ideas over a broad array of interconnected social networks. In the era of the booming social media it is critical for businesses to sieve through social data – data generated through the multiple social media channels to gather the actionable insights.

Garnering Social Data Intelligence

Simply mapping social data to figure out data patterns gives no yield. Instead, gathering social data intelligence involves meticulous planning, powerful social listening, identifying key data points to connect with the business, proper integration of all data silos, monitoring indices and matching key indices with the corporate strategy.

 Having the right technology plays a key role in gathering social data intelligence as the tools enable faster integration with deep analytics & enhanced reporting capabilities. Here how social data intelligence helps businesses achieve more out of their data:

  1. Higher customer engagement – With the actionable insights, businesses can take a deep dive into what strategies & trends are working well with the customers and explore them to increase the customer engagement rate.
  2. Better Analytics – Social data aids key analytics capabilities by contributing to predictive analytics & sentiment analysis. By mapping all social data within a single view, a business can reap considerable insights to work on that supports the line of business.
  3. Redefine business strategy – Through social data, businesses can analyze impact of the line of products, tweak strategies to match customer’s needs and enhance their corporate branding to align with the industry.
  4. Overall transformation – There’s something for each department to take away from social data. From human resources to customer support; teams thrive on social data for collecting various insights.

 The right mix of social data intelligence & insights enables businesses to propel productivity within a short span of time. Get your social intelligence in line with the right combination of strategy & technology. What are your thoughts on Social Data Intelligence?

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