
Exclusive Material for our DSC Members

This is one of the many benefits of being a DSC member. As a member, you have full access to the following documents:

  • Detailed data set for our article 400 Categorized Job Titles for Data Scientists10,000 job titles, including job category, company and level, based on LinkedIn connections from top data scientist LinkedIn profiles. Ideal to compare job titles for various companies.
  • Top 2,000 articles on DSC, out of 50,000 live articles. Includes the full text of each article (but not the images). This is a great resource for analyzing trends, and for text mining. The data set is discussed in our article Data scientist shares his growth hacking secrets. It contains, for each article, creation date, subject, number of pageviews, and text content. 
  • Solution to visualization challenge: identifying which tool was used for each of the 18 charts: click here to read the challenge.
  • Spreadsheet with details about our formula to estimate how many page views a website gets in any given month. Related to our article on Alexa rankings.

Click here to access this members-only material. For the benefit of becoming a member, click here


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