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Big Data Analytics: How it Enables Digital Transformation


The digital way of life is no longer a distant dream but our current reality and it has served everyone well too. For businesses, especially, it has far-reaching consequences, enabling them to reach newer heights every day. But how does one achieve such digital transformation, you ask? With help from big data; you see, the copious amounts of data companies now have access to, big data helps companies use said data to not only streamline their operational workflows but also drive business strategies. It also helps make processes quicker, effective, and much more efficient.

Further, the integration of big data analytics allows faster, more informed decision-making with access to real-time data. It has the ability to be a game-changer with the efforts of organizations to transform digitally. Today companies offering numerous data analytics services get extended while helping enterprises in creating new business models and achieving great heights.

Let us take a look at some other competitive advantages that big data analytics brings to world businesses.

  1. Better customer retention rates: No matter how large a customer base a business may have managed to gather, unless you can consistently meet their expectations, the company€™s business is bound to suffer the brunt of unhappy customers, i.e. high customer turnover rate. Thankfully, big data analytics can help companies avoid that by offering extensive insights about the business€™ customer attributes, preferences, etc. Big data tools can also help companies boost their customer acquisition rates by fortifying sales and marketing strategies.
  2. Risk management: Big data tools help companies not only quantify but also model various risks. In addition to that, big data analytics also drives predictive modeling and analytics, which helps companies to continually and effectively monitor threats and also prevent fraud and other such malicious incidents. Big data analytics does this via careful examination of all company data, be it customer profiles, transaction histories, etc. The information, then, gained helps not only remove risks but also fine-tune services, support, etc.
  3. Improved marketing campaigns: Big data can also be put to work in the marketing department, allowing marketers to leverage all types of data to examine the distinctive manners in which various groups of the business’s target audience engage with the company, their purchase patterns, etc. Such insights can then be used to build marketing strategies that are primed to deliver desired results while also saving plenty of time and money.
  4. Understand customers better: Big data analytics empowers businesses with the ability to better understand their target audience via insights on their behavior, thought processes, purchasing histories, etc. Based on this feedback, companies can quickly adapt strategies that will help them create a better quality of experiences, reduce complaints, and pre-emptively address issues that may mar customers€™ satisfaction with the brand.

It is no secret that we are generating truly colossal amounts of data every single day, thanks to the deluge of connected devices and how much the world has come to rely on them for daily functions and tasks. This, of course, presents immense potential and a whole new world of opportunities but only if companies are successfully able to harness organizational data and put it to work for their businesses. How?

Well, as the above discussion demonstrates, with help from big data, of course. So, if you too wish to leverage the might of big data analytics and achieve critical and strategic business goals, you ought to start working on fortifying your digital business transformation strategy with big data. If you need help figuring that out, you can always engage the services of an expert vendor in the market. Now, off you go.

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