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10 Web Development Trends That You Can't Skip Reading


The importance of web development trends in everyday life

Technology is rapidly evolving in today’s world, and if you want to take full advantage of its potential, you need to keep up with the latest technological trends.

As we all know, the internet is present in almost every aspect of our lives, from ordering pizza to booking flights. The internet is behind it all, and creating an engaging digital experience is a real challenge.

To create an attractive website with a good strategy, you need to be aware of the latest trends in web development technology. Create a niche among the 1.8 billion websites that are still competing to attract your target audience.

Top 10 web development technology trends for 2021

| Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Today, progressive web apps are being discussed by many businesses as they offer a plethora of benefits such as push notifications, the ability to work offline, provide a user experience similar to native apps. Progressive web apps are much easier to download and offer the advantages of native apps, such as excellent responsiveness and fast loading.

Leading companies such as Twitter, Starbucks, Forbes, and Uber use PWAs to respond to their customers faster. Some companies reported that with the introduction of PWAs, their users spent 40% more time on PWAs than on previous mobile sites.

Thus, we will see more spikes in PWA growth in 2021, and this trend will continue in the future.

| Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has already infiltrated our daily lives, often in conscious and unconscious ways, and in recent years AI has become a trend. AI has some excellent capabilities that many companies are looking for, such as processing and personalizing large amounts of data and presenting relevant or exciting information to the target audience.

AI collects essential information, such as the most popular pages, the number of visits to a website, the user’s search history, and stores to make more accurate and relevant recommendations.

AI helps shape the development of websites better, and with features like chatbots and voice interaction on offer, we’re sure that AI will become even more fashionable in the days to come.

| Dark mode or low light UX

Dark mode or low light UX is another trend to look out for in 2021 due to the increasing demand for such features and innovative web design.

Dark mode has already been introducing on some websites and activate. Many sites offer a simple toggle button, while some users will need to access the settings section.

The leading reasons for the growing popularity of dark mode are that it saves power on OLED or AMOLED displays and minimizes the strain on the user’s eyes. However, no one can deny that using a dark mode on a website can make it look more attractive and relaxed for the user, resulting in a better user experience. Moreover, end-users are bound to keep it as a trend in the future.

| The Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is one of the most popular web development trends that we see today, and IoT is making its presence felt in many things around us, such as smartwatches and personal assistants.

The IoT consists of sensors interconnected with other computing devices, which process the data collected from the sensors and further transfer the data through cloud networks to have no latency.

IoT is experiencing a steady growth in web development due to the high level of security of all data-related processes, accurate results, and the creation of dynamic and interactive UI experiences. 2025 expects to see around 60 billion IoT devices.

| Optimizing voice search

Since its inception, voice search technology has become popular everywhere, not just in web development. With the increase in IoT devices, people can now communicate using voice prompts instead of pressing buttons.

The popularity of voice search technology can also see the many examples, such as Google Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s Siri, that work primarily with voice search technology and significantly improve the user experience. Voice search features can work wonders if they are correctly optimized. By redesigning their websites based on voice search, companies that adopt it can expect to see a 30% increase in digital revenue.

| Single Page Applications (SPA)

A single page application is a type of web application loaded as a single page and runs within the browser; these SPAs do not require the page to reload at runtime.

The main advantage that SPAs offer is that, unlike traditional applications, they reduce the need to wait for pages to reload, making them more suitable for slow internet connections.

Other benefits offered by SPAs include simplicity of development, reusability of back-end code, ease of debugging, local data caching, and offline usability.

With major global companies such as Uber, Facebook, and Google already adopting single-page apps, it is safe to say that the trend for single-page apps has begun and will continue.

| Single-Page Website (SPW)

A single-Page Website is a concept that, as the name suggests, aims to provide a single-page website with no additional pages of services or information, etc. SPWs provide users with an intuitive user journey through a neat and comprehensive layout.

Compared to a multi-page site, SPWs make it easier to keep all the essential information to site visitors in one place, thus capturing their attention.

In the process, you can check the flow of information and put specific info in front of each user. Single-page websites are simple to optimize for mobile devices. Even in development, the time and costs are reduced, investing in these web technologies a beneficial proposition for both users and businesses.

| AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

The idea behind creating AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) was to develop swift pages for mobile devices. These mobile accelerated pages are handy for sites with high traffic volumes, such as websites.

AMP pages show to work well on mobile search engine results pages, e-commerce sites, news sites, and other websites. AMP has shown to work.

AMP is a project jointly developed by Twitter and Google, a kind of open-source library for creating websites, web pages, and web applications with very lightweight, fast-loading, so-called “diet HTML.”

| Motion UI

A different bent to watch for in 2021 is “Motion UI,” a technology used to develop animation websites. Animations, graphics, and transitions play an important role in creating attractive websites and applications, and so does Motion UI as a current trend in web design. This is crucial if you want to become a best rated agency in your niche.

Motion UI allows web developers to create web pages with minimalist design without working with JavaScript and jQuery. Leveraging Motion UI technology can increase user engagement, improve user experience and ultimately increase your business profitability.

| Advanced chatbots

In recent years, the number of chatbots integrated into websites has never been higher. With the rise of artificial intelligence and increasing demand for automated communication solutions, chatbots are here to wait and play an essential role in web development.

Chatbots are software built to handle and simulate conversations between people and can themselves suggest, answer and provide intelligent solutions to common questions.

These features make chatbots very popular because they can speed up the problem-solving process, eliminating companies’ need to hire multiple customer service specialists. Therefore, chatbots will continue to be a trend in web development.

| Conclusions

From 2021 onwards, the demand for the above technologies in web development will increase dramatically due to the global pandemic and other factors in 2020. In 2020, many companies had learned to operate remotely, demonstrating that they are challenging the previously only spoken technology’s unexplored potential. We’ve seen it happen.

For businesses, online presence is no longer just an option but a necessity. By taking advantage of these trending technologies, companies can not only survive but thrive by providing their users with a superior user experience. It’s all about web and web development trends in today’s world if you want to have a global presence you can take a help from top web development companies in India.

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