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What is Clickless Analysis? Can it Simplify Adoption of Augmented Analytics? (Part 1 of 3 articles)

What is Clickless Analysis? Can it Simplify Adoption of Augmented Analytics? (Part 1 of 3 articles)

The concept of Clickless Analytics is one that will be happily embraced by business users and by the business enterprise. The reason is simple! Clickless Analytics allows users to find and analyze information without specialized skills, by using natural language.

In this, the first of a three-part series we discuss Clickless Analytics and how it can simplify user adoption of augmented analytics.

What is Clickless Analytics?

Clickless Analytics incorporates Natural Language Processing (NLP) and takes augmented analytics to the next level with machine learning and NLP in a self-serve environment that is easy enough for every business user. Business users can leverage sophisticated business intelligence tools to perform advanced data discovery by asking questions using natural language. The system will translate that search analytics language query into a query that the analytics platform can interpret, and return the most appropriate answer in an appropriate form such as visualization, tables, numbers or descriptions in simple human language. Clickless Analytics interprets natural language queries and presents results through smart visualization and contextual information delivered in natural language.

Can Clickless Analytics Simplify Adoption of Augmented Analytics?

Clickless analytics, NLP and search analytics provides true data democratization of advanced analytics. Clickless Analytics incorporates NLP within a suite of Augmented Analytics  features, leveraging computational linguistics, data mining, and analytical algorithms to provide a self-serve, natural language approach to data analysis. Search Analytics and NLP filters through mountains of data to answer a question in the way a user can understand, thereby simplifying and speeding the decision process and ensuring clarity.

Clickless Analytics suggests relationships and offers insight to previously hidden information so that business users can ‘discover’ subtle, crucial business results, patterns, problems and opportunities. Clickless Analytics provides maximum results and business user access with minimum implementation time and minimal training.

Clickless Analytics and an NLP approach to augmented analytics utilizes a Google-type interface where business users can enter a question in human language, i.e., ‘what is our best selling product in Arizona’ or ‘who is the best performing salesperson in this year as compared to previous year.’ The ease-of-use assures user adoption and the clarity of analysis and reporting achieved by the enterprise results in an environment where the team, managers and executives can achieve rapid, accurate results without the assistance of IT or business analysts.

The evolution of search analytics and the application of NLP search within the confines of a business intelligence solution have allowed the average organization to leap forward with advanced data discovery and the incorporation of these crucial tools into a self-serve environment for user empowerment and accountability. Clickless Analytics and NLP help businesses to achieve rapid ROI and sustain low total cost of ownership (TCO) with meaningful tools that are easy to understand, and as familiar as a Google search. These tools require very little training, and provide interactive tools that ‘speak the language’ of the user.

Clickless Analytics, NLP and Search Analytics are a crucial component of business intelligence and Augmented Analytics, and are essential to business success and to building and sustaining a competitive advantage.

Watch for Part II and Part III of this article series: ‘What is Search Analytics and Can it Improve Self-Serve Data Discovery?’ and ‘What is Natural Language Processing & How Does it Benefit a Business?’

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