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What Happens in 60-Seconds Online? – Infographics

There are a lot of things that can happen in just one minute, just ask the distraught owner of the Shelby Mustang GT 500 who was on the list of cars targeted by Randall “Memphis” Raines in the classic car-heist movie, Gone in 60 Seconds.

Back in the real world and the equally fast-paced digital superhighway that is the internet, you might be just as surprised to discover just how much E-commerce activity you can fit into every sixty seconds that passes in an internet economy that just keeps on growing and growing.

It is feasible that you might well be able to afford to legitimately acquire the aforementioned Mustang codenamed Eleanor, if you happen to be taking a slice of the incredible $3.9 million that is spent online around the globe every sixty seconds.

It would take a superhuman effort to ring through the same number of transactions on a good-old fashioned till, but those virtual-tills are ringing loudly throughout the day, with Amazon raking in $204,000 every minute and Ebay racking up an impressive $160,000 in the same short time span.

If you want some more eye-watering facts and figures about the internet economy, check out just how much stuff is gone every 60 seconds, including unfortunately some cybercriminals who are nowhere near as cool as Randall Raines, helping themselves to over $60K of other people’s cash in the same timeframe.

What Happens in 60-Seconds Online? – Infographics

This article was written by Jake Rheude. Jake is Director of Business Development & Marketing at Red Stag Fulfillment. 

Read original article, here

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