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Web development trends for 2021 and the latest web technology stack


Standards in web development can change faster than they can implement. To stay one step ahead, it is essential to keep an eye on the prevailing trends, techniques, and approaches.

We’ve analyzed trends across the industry and put together a definitive list of web development trends for 2021. As a bonus, you’ll also read about the best web development services to watch out for next year. Whether your current interest is market development, startup innovation, or IoT invention, these are the trends you need to know about.

The hottest web technology trends to adopt in 2021

“Knowing what the next big trends are will help you know what you need to focus on.”

Mark Zuckerberg

When a billionaire with decades of experience in an industry tells us to do this, we can only agree. Here we’ve put together a list of the top trends to watch out for when growing your web business, so they’re easy to find, save you time, and help you grow your business in the new decade.

1| Voice search

We are currently experiencing the beginning of the era of voice search. Every smartphone equips with a digital voice assistant (Siri for iPhones, Google Assistant for Android devices). Intelligent speakers with artificial intelligence are also becoming more and more popular.

What are the reasons for the move to voice interfaces?

| Ease of use

Communication doesn’t have learners, which means that even children and the elderly can get to grips with voice interfaces without training.

| Accessibility

Digital voice assistants are already a common feature of smartphones. Smartphones are still not very popular, but pricing from $50 is a prerequisite for expansion.

The report states that “the use of voice assistants is reaching a critical mass. And by 2021, some 123 million U.S. citizens, or 37% of the total population, are expected to be using voice assistants.

| It’s good for your business.

Voice search is a big trend in ecommerce. But it applies to all businesses on the web too. If you want people to find your web app, optimize it for voice search as soon as possible.

Consider developing your smart speaker app and help you build a loyal audience, and give you another channel to generate sales.

2|  WebAssembly

When building web applications, performance inevitably suffers: heavy computation slows down due to the limitations of JavaScript, which has a significant impact on the user experience. For this reason, most popular games and powerful applications are only available as native desktop applications.

WebAssembly has emerged to change the game. This new format aims for native performance across web applications; WebAssembly can compile code from any programming language into bytecode that runs in the browser.

3| Content personalization through machine learning

Artificial intelligence, including machine learning, influences our daily online activities without us even realizing it, which is the essence of ML and the experience it provides in our native language.

Machine learning is the ability of software to improve its performance without the direct involvement of the developer. Essentially, the software analyses the input data, discover patterns, makes decisions and improves performance.

For example, Airbnb hired a machine to personalize guest search results to increase the likelihood that hosts would accept a request. A machine learning algorithm analyses each host’s decision to make a bid. In our A/B testing, we saw a 3.75% increase in conversions. A/B testing showed a 3.75% increase in conversions, and as a result, customer satisfaction and revenue increased as the algorithm applied to all Airbnb users.

Netflix’s engineers wanted to go even further. They used a more advanced ML-based algorithm to personalize content to meet the needs of users better predictively. Rather than targeting entire segments of users, each user identifies individually. The algorithm provides content and search results based on the user’s intent, not on previous queries.

A great example, but there are many more. You can improve the user experience by incorporating natural language processing and pattern recognition€”machine perception, where a computer interprets data and makes decisions.

4|  Data security

The more data a web application processes, the more attractive it is to cybercriminals. They aim to ruin your services and steal your users’ data and your company’s internal information. Such actions can seriously damage a company’s reputation and cause significant losses.

The security of web services should be a top priority. So here are four things you can do to keep your user data safe in 2021.

| Don’t neglect security testing

Security testing should be carried out during the development phase to prevent data breaches. Should test each change to your web app should be tested explicitly.

| Use a website monitoring tool.

Website monitoring tools allow you to monitor all requests and detect and identify suspicious activity constantly. Timely notifications enable your team to react immediately and protect your web app.

| Choose third-party services carefully.

SaaS software is becoming increasingly popular as it makes app development more accessible and quicker. However, it would be best to make sure that the service provider you work with is reliable.

| Encryption of sensitive data

Even if criminals have access to your database, they won’t be able to extract any use-value from the sensitive data stored there.

Along with these tips, here are the latest trends for the web in 2021 to help you keep your apps and data safe. Must address two essential elements must be addressed here.

| A.I. for cybersecurity

Machines are becoming more intelligent. There are both good and bad sides to this fact, but we will focus on the benefits A.I. brings in this report.

In 2021, we expected A.I. technology to become even more helpful in terms of data security. We have already had the opportunity to look after some of the latest improvements. AI-powered biometric logins that scan fingerprints and retinas are more than just an element of science fiction. The web systems of many powerful companies demonstrate these capabilities.

80% of telecom company founders say they rely on A.I. for cybersecurity.

Threats and malicious activity can be easily detected by AI-powered security software. The more types of malware there are, the more powerful and dangerous they become. That’s why large companies are now training A.I. systems to analyze behavioral patterns in their networks and respond immediately to any suspicious activity.

“Artificial intelligence is an advisor. It’s like a trusted advisor that you can ask questions to. Artificial intelligence learns as it goes. The cognitive system starts learning as we teach it, but it’s there and it doesn’t forget what it’s been taught, so it can use that knowledge to make more accurate decisions when it’s looking at what’s happening from a (security) threat perspective,” said IBM Security Vice President, Kevin Skapinetz, explains how A.I. can influence security systems and save companies from potential threats.

| Blockchain for cybersecurity

Over the last few years, Bitcoin and other blockchain-related topics have dominated tech blogs and reports, and in 2021 we recommend taking a closer look at this tool for the security of web solutions.

NASA has implemented blockchain technology to protect its data and prevent cyber attacks on its services. The starting point is that if influential leaders are using this trend to protect their entities, why can they ignore this principle?

| Database security

Storing all your data in one place makes it perfectly convenient for hackers to steal it. Blockchain is a decentralized database, which means no single authority or location for storing data. All users are responsible for validating the data and can make no changes of any kind without everyone’s approval.

| Protected DNS

DDoS attacks plague large companies. However, there is a cure: a fully decentralized DNS. When content distributes across many nodes, it becomes almost impossible for an attacker to find and use sensitive points or attack a domain.

Security trends in web development

| Making it work for your business

No matter what kind of web app you plan to launch, its security is the number one thing you need to focus on. Look at the most effective approaches and make sure your development team is proficient in security questions and has the skills to keep your critical data safe.

5|  Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)

Google prioritizes web apps that load quickly on mobile devices. For this reason, you should consider implementing PWAs and AMPs, which are proprietary technologies that reduce the loading time of web pages.

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web pages that replicate the native mobile experience. PWAs are fast, work online and even with poor internet connections, and are relatively inexpensive. PWAs support interaction, so users are not aware that they are using a browser. E-commerce web applications are an everyday use case for this technology.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) only supports static content, but it loads faster than regular HTML. AMP omits all decorative elements and displays only the necessary information, such as text and images. This approach is ideal for blogs and news publishers.

Whether you should use a PWA or AMP depends on your case. However, it would be best if you started considering these technologies now. You have the opportunity to dramatically improve your search result rankings while providing a high-end experience.

We use so many great PWAs that we don’t need to mention them: some, like Twitter, have over 330 million active users every month, while others are on the verge of spectacular success. If you’re planning to build a simple web game, a lifestyle or sports app, an entertainment app, or a news site, you should consider a PWA approach.

AMP is an excellent idea if

  • Most of the users of your web app are accessing it on a mobile device.
  • The page loads slowly, and users leave the site quickly.
  • You are putting a lot of effort into SEO and app promotion.

6| . Multi-experience

The story of app development started with smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Today, they are so prevalent that it’s hard to imagine a day without a smartphone. More recently, other intelligent devices, cars, smartwatches, and components of IoT systems have gained remarkable popularity. Mobile-friendly apps are a must. However, a fresh and vivid trend is emerging in app development. Multiple experiences are welcome. The idea is to allow users to use your app wherever they want – on their tablet, smartwatch, car, etc. The point is to create apps that look good, work well, and bring value in an equally engaging and helpful way on all devices.

Multi-experience is the new trend in web development.

The trend for 2021 is to make web applications compatible with all screens. According to Gartner, it’s one of the top trends in technology. The traditional idea of using laptops and smartphones to interact with software applications is drifting towards a multi-sensory, multi-touch, multi-screen, multi-device experience. Customers expect apps with great intelligent chatbots, voice assistants, AR/VR modules, etc., to be available on all devices. For web businesses that want to be successful in 2021, this multi-channel approach to human-machine interaction in web apps will be critical.

“This ability to communicate with users across the many human senses provides a richer environment for delivering nuanced information,” said Brian Burke, Research Vice President at Gartner.

5G technology and edge computing will stimulate the development of multi-experience trends. A new generation of wireless technologies will increase transmission speeds and open up opportunities to deliver superior AR/VR experiences. I.T. companies worldwide are poised to provide seamless experiences on mobile and web extensions, wearables, and conversational devices.

7| Motion U.I.

Motion design is one of the key trends in web design for the coming year. Minimalist design combined with sophisticated interaction looks tremendous and grabs the user’s attention.

Think page header transitions, nice hovers, animated charts, animated backgrounds, and modular scrolling. These and many other elements will display your unique style, entertain users, improve behavioral factors and help your web app rank higher in search results.

Use for business

To increase user engagement and provide a better UI/UX for your web app, upgrade it with Motion U.I. technology.

Guide users through your app with animations that show the next steps.

React to the user’s gestures with catchy animations.

Show the relationship between the different components of your app, for example.


Fashions change so quickly that it can be challenging to keep up with them. But why not give it a go?

By keeping up with the latest trends in web development, you can delight your users with a world-class experience, improve your web app’s ranking and open up new markets for your services.

Over the next few years, voice search will strengthen its position, and service providers will adapt to the new reality. By approaching it smartly, you can be the first company to win customers with voice search. Sounds good, right?

The security of user data has been an issue for quite some time now. If you want to become a market leader, you can’t ignore this issue.

By offering a multi-faceted experience to your web app users, you increase your chances of being chosen first by them. So be in touch with top web development companies in India to have a world-class experience.

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