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Understand Your Data Better with Agile Data Governance


Agile Data Governance is the process of improving data assets by iteratively capturing knowledge as data producers and consumers work together so that everyone can benefit. It adapts the deeply proven best practices of Agile and Open software development to data and analytics. It begins with the identification of a business problem, following by the gathering of stakeholders who are aware of the issue and are working to address it.

Agile data governance focuses on self-service analytics and seeks to provide support much closer to the point where data is consumed. It is supported by tools that assist in the delivery of data knowledge to data users.

Importance of Agile Data Governance:

Data breadlines: At the data producer’s threshold, there are bottlenecks. While serving one spontaneous data request after another, data consumers can’t keep up. Consumers are dissatisfied with the time it takes to receive what they want. Projects using analytics quickly devolve into lengthy email chains. Data consumers, data producers, and domain experts iterate collaboratively using agile principles to create reusable assets that reduce the frequency of ad-hoc requests. New spontaneous requests will be saved alongside cataloged data assets and analyzed so that the other person can identify and use them before approaching data producers for assistance.

Data silos: Agile Data Governance enables data consumers to obtain and iterate on data assets in a direct and clear way. This minimizes the chance of emailed spreadsheets. Furthermore, information assets will be well-documented, allowing more users to access, understand, and use them.

Data brawls: People would lose faith in data work if it is not transparent. After months of work, people come up with new versions of the same analysis. They quarrel over data sources, small ones, and even project objectives. Transparency in Agile Data Governance means that correction and peer review occur as the analysis progresses. This results in a common understanding that may be incorporated into company glossaries.

Data obscurity: In many organizations, those who try to understand the availability and usage of data assets encounter partial answers, inefficiencies, and perplexing processes. Documentation is primarily a problem, and disconnected tools that aren’t designed for agile processes make it a job and an afterthought. Agile Data Governance allows you to document your work while doing it. This near-real-time documentation raises awareness of what data exists, what it means, and how to use it all around the world.

Want to learn how DQLabs€™ agile data governance initiatives work? Try it free for 7 days.

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