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Some Online Data Science Courses Worth Checking

Students now can make important decisions. If you want to achieve career advancement, shift to another career, go on your own, pursue your dreams, or simply improve on your current state in life, Udemy can connect you to the best educators from any part of the globe. These educators will help you achieve your goals in the fastest possible way. Udemy has a lot of experts teaching different topics. Some of them come with credentials like professors in Ivy League Universities, Leaders of multi-national companies, Hollywood celebrities, authors of best-selling books and publications.

The good thing about Udemy is that it has reached more than 600,000 students and helped make important improvements in their lives. Courses offered in Udemy include how to do yoga, designing principles, and a whole lot of specialization in different educational fields. The most popular platforms that online courses use are live video classes, zip files, audio files, Portable Document Format, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and pre-recorded videos. These courses are offered for free or with a corresponding fee. An instructor takes home 70 percent of the paid fee. Udemy was founded in February of 2010. In May of the same year, it was launched.

Below is a complete listing of courses offered under Data Science resources. These courses are all about specialized skills, in-depth education, artificial intelligence, analyzation of huge databases to generate new information, systematic analysis of data, cleansing of data, data visualization and a whole lot more.


One of the things that make Udemy’s courses attractive to students is the fact that they can pay for it at one time or through other payment plans. If you think that you need to go through a course through other payments schemes to experience education, Udemy is the way to go to get your education.

Most of the specialization courses are taken one after another because the first courses are prerequisites to the next.  Some of the courses may require knowledge about computer programming. Algebra and Mathematics are common in these courses.

Although some of the courses are taken free of tuition, these same courses come with a certificate noting that you are a duly graduate of that course.

Here are the courses offered on Udemy for Data Sciences:

  • Developing Data Products
  • The Data Scientist’s Toolbox
  • R Programming
  • Getting and Cleaning Data
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Data Science Capstone
  • Reproducible Research
  • Statistical Inference
  • Regression Models
  • Practical Machine Learning

Specialization in Data Science in Udemy provides every student everything he needs to know throughout. Students learn to ask all of the correct questions to ask and all the other essentials they need to learn. The Data Science Capstone course is actually a project where the student builds a data organization facility by using authentic information. A portfolio presented to every student at the end of the course shows their improvement compared to before they took the course.

Here are the courses offered on Udemy for Genomic Data Science:

  • Algorithms for DNA Sequencing
  • Introduction to Genomic Technologies
  • Genomic Data Science with Galaxy
  • Python for Genomic Data Science
  • Genomic Data Science — Capstone
  • Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science
  • Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science
  • Statistics for Genomic Data Science

Genomic Data Science specialization teaches the students how to read and analyze information regarding next-generation sequencing studies. Students will learn how to use various tools like Galaxy, Bioconductor, R, Python and the command line. The course is offered as a onetime program or students can take it as a follow-up to other courses. They can also take it as a doctorate degree in Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Biology.

Here are the courses offered on Udemy for Big Data Specialization:

  • Introduction to Big Data Analytics
  • Introduction to Big Data
  • Hadoop Platform and Application Framework
  • Big Data — Capstone
  • Machine Learning with Big Data
  • Introduction to Graph Analytics

This course helps students handle big data by organizing it, analyzing it, and interpreting it. It allows the students to make important decisions and look for answers to his questions and problems about his business. The only way to do this is to understand what the big data has. Actual practice using the tools and programs used by scientists and experts are used by students.  Programming experience is not a requirement for this course. Teachers will guide the students through the course with the assistance of some tools. Codes are provided for students to help them model problems. Throughout the course, the students are taught how to formulate the best questions to ask regarding data. Aside from that, students will learn proper communication with scientists by using the correct terms and handle large databases. Everything culminates in the Big Data Capstone course where everything the students learned throughout is put to use.

Here are the courses offered on Udemy for Big Mining Specialization:

  • Cluster Analysis in Data Mining
  • Pattern Discovery in Data Mining
  • Text Retrieval and Search Engines
  • Data Mining — Capstone
  • Text Mining and Analytics
  • Data Visualization

A visibly clear system is in place to make students learn all of the techniques they need to acquire for Data Mining. This specialization course deals with both pre-formed and formless data information which is presented in everyday words. The course teaches students to identify how to discover data patterns, clustering of data, visualization of data, mining of text, data analytics, retrieval of text, and more. The culminating project, Data Mining – Capstone requires the students to solve an actual data mining problem with the help of data regarding reviews of restaurants.

Here are the courses offered on Udemy for Data Analyst Nanodegree:

  • Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce How to Process Big Data Real-Time Analytics with Apache Storm: The “Hadoop of Real-Time” 
  • Intro to Computer Science: Build a Search Engine & a Social Network 
  • A/B Testing: Online Experiment Design and Analysis 
  • Data Visualization and D3.js: Communicating with Data 
  • Intro to Machine Learning: Pattern Recognition for Fun and Profit 
  • Data Wrangling with MongoDB: Data Manipulation and Retrieval 
  • Model Building and Validation: Advanced Techniques for Analyzing Data 
  • Intro to Data Science: Learn What It Takes to Become a Data Scientist 
  • Data Analysis with R: Visually Analyze and Summarize Data Sets 
  • Intro to Statistics: Making Decisions Based on Data Intro to Descriptive Statistics: Mathematics for Understanding Data 
  • Intro to Inferential Statistics: Making Predictions from Data 

The program employs scientists and professionals working in big technological companies who teaches all students the necessary abilities they need to handle a data science job.

A summary of Udemy courses can be found here.The following Coursera courses are also relevant:

Author Bio: Sagar Mandan is HR at techssocial.net. He recently has done course from Udemy. In this article he has shared the courses that are available to learn.

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