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Tutorial – Getting Started with GraphLab For Machine Learning in Python

This article was written by Sunil Ray. Sunil is a Business Analytics and Intelligence professional with deep experience in the Indian Insurance industry. 


GraphLab came as an unexpected breakthrough on my learning plan. After all, ‘ Good Things Happen When You Expect Them Least To Happen’. It all started with the end of Black Friday Data Hack. Out of 1200 participants, we got our winners and their interesting solutions.

I read and analyzed them. I realized that I had missed on an incredible machine learning tool. A quick exploration told me that this tool has immense potential to reduce our machine learning modeling pains. So, I decided to explore it further. I now have dedicated a few days to understand its science and logical methods of usage. To my surprise, it wasn’t difficult to understand.

Were you trying to improve your Machine Learning model ? But failed mostly? Try this advanced machine learning tool. A month trial is free and 1 year subscription is available for FREE for academic use. Then, you can purchase subscription for following years.

To get you started quickly, here is a beginners guide on GraphLab in Python. For ease of understanding, I’ve tried to explain these concepts in simplest possible manner.2808319642

Topics Covered

  1. How it all started ?
  2. What is GraphLab ?
  3. Benefits and Limitations of GraphLab
  4. How to install GraphLab ?
  5. Getting started with GraphLab

To check all this information, click here

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