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Top Politics-Focused Data Science & Analytics Organizations

  • Banjog 


Are you looking to use your data science & analytics skills to make a difference in political campaigning? Here are 3 Democrat & Republican leaning firms using analytics to help their parties win.

Democratic Learning Analytics Firms

  • BlueLabs. BlueLabs is an analytics, data, and technology company formed by senior members of the Obama for America analytics team. Using innovations in big data technology and individual-level modeling, we empower organizations to contact the right voters, solicit the best donors, and target services to the citizens and beneficiaries who need them most.
  • Clarity Campaigns. Clarity Campaigns was founded in 2012, bringing together many years of expertise at ISSI, NCEC, Democratic state parties and national party committees. The team has worked on races across the country, from the historic Obama for America campaign to Governor, Senate, and Congressional elections to local issue advocacy campaigns and everything in between. The company provides fully integrated analytic solutions to Democratic campaigns, progressive non-profits, and socially responsible corporations.
  • Civis Analytics. Civis Analytics was founded by former party staffer and Obama 2012 director of analytics Dan Wagner. Civis Analytics subsequently hired over one-third of the 54-person analytics team from the campaign for the new firm. Civis Analytics helps build person-level predictions so you communicate with exactly the right people with the right message at the right time.

Republican Learning Analytics Firms

  • Targeted Victory. Targeted Victory ran Mitt Romney’s 2012 digital operations. Spanning television to mobile, from search, social and video advertising to demographic, behavioral, and geographic targeting, their online advertising solutions are powerful as it incorporates offline data to create and serve unique audiences.
  • Optimus. Op­timus Con­sult­ing—whose web­site tagline reads, “Dis­rupt­ing ____ with data, ana­lyt­ics, and smarter ex­e­cu­tion”—has been a part of Ru­bio’s polit­ic­al team since 2013.  Øptimus creates highly predictive models for the campaigns and issue advocacy groups they work with. They  keep the models current as the battlefield of opinion changes and ensure insights gained from the models impact everything the campaign does. In other words, weekly high-sample segment reads feed into updated models that literally determine which doors to knock, what TV ads to buy, and where the candidate should spend his or her time the following week. Integrated modeling means having all the pieces working synchronously and allows for dynamic resource prioritization. It means no more shooting blindly in the dark, but knowing who to target, when, and with what approach.
  • Deep Root Analytics. Deep Root Analytics offers a Data Management Platform (DMP) to better target your TV advertising. There are two primary benefit: first, it maximizes efficiency of your TV strategy on your target audiences before buys are placed. And second, measure the impact of your campaign against your target audiences mid-campaign, as well as the buys of peers and competitors. The platform can also help view real metrics during the campaign to measure the reach and frequency you (and peers and competitors) are achieving on critical target audiences.

This list was researched & compiled by Banjog

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