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This Is Why I Speak Highly of Node.Js for Web Application Development

The world of IT calls for expert opinions, in-depth knowledge, modern tools and hands-on experience especially when it comes to build the next awesome websites, mobile apps as well as cloud solutions. Just like it is important to choose the right ingredient for making a flavorful dish; finding the right tool/framework/technology to create a website, the mobile app is of equal importance.

This Is Why I Speak Highly of Node.Js for Web Application Development

Ask any web professional regarding his key to success, you are most likely to find the value of a technology, choosing the right framework or tool adopted for developing a web project. The first step to an efficient web development is choosing the right tool/framework.”- Says web expert. However we have a lot of them, we’re going to talk about Node.js today!

Do you know?

  • The rapid growth in the use of Node.js has compelled developers to sit back and take note of it?
  • And how many popular and successful web applications and websites have used Node.js?

Your answer would probably be in yes or a feeble no. The following post emphasizes on why we love Node.js (and you should too!)

About Node.js

Being one of the most popular and highly preferred open source platforms, Node.js is used for developing server-side and networking applications, especially who have the potential to run across distributed devices. Built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime, the technology is catching up quickly with Java, Ruby, Python, and .Net as a preferred language for developing new web applications. In fact, due to a severe increase in its adoption, more and more developers are trending towards the Node.js learning curve, confronting similar problems and coding similar functionalities.

Now frameworks in general implement MVC, MVP or just MV patterns. They also reveal where the code for models, views, and controllers should be or where your routes should be and where you should add your configurations. Several Node.js enthusiasts fail to understand how design patterns or OOP ( Object Oriented Programming)diagrams map to the lines or structure of the code in their application. That’s where Node.js frameworks come in.

Have you ever wondered why Node.js is the right choice for your startup?

#1 Node.js provides faster delivery

This Is Why I Speak Highly of Node.Js for Web Application Development

A lean startup methodology generally focuses on the fast delivery of prototypes in order to test the concepts underlying a startup’s business. And I personally that believe Node.js helps to achieve this. Do you know how?

First, by sharing model code and tests between the client (say browser) and server, which constitutes a significant efficiency for a developer.

And second, Node.js excels as framework especially if you creating apps that provide real-time experience or streaming. This point is in context with features like chats, transactions, reservations or some forms of advertising and handling them in a Java-based event-driven environment is easy. Sometimes even too easy.

In addition to this, there is no mismatch between the backend and the frontend in terms of communication. This means they work the same on both sides (JSON everywhere).

#2 Node.js enables us to pivot faster

This Is Why I Speak Highly of Node.Js for Web Application Development

Startups do pivot, i.e. change fundamental parts of their business model as a process of measuring and learning. After working for years for a recognized Nodejs development company , I found that introduction of substantial changes to an application, as a result of the business model change, happens smoother when the application model is based on Node.js’s event-driven model rather than a classic MVC.

In addition to this, faster startup pivoting is even related to Node’s partner in crime, MongoDB. For those who have no idea it is a schema-less technology used to find the startup data storing significantly faster to alter when new business processes need to be handled by the application.

#3 Node.js scales easily

This Is Why I Speak Highly of Node.Js for Web Application Development

Everyone aims to build a killer startup and it is scalable both in terms of business model and technology. Contrary to what some developers say, I do not find the technology to be more scalable than PHP, Ruby or Python. Furthermore, in some cases, it might be even less scalable.

Overall, Node.js is the best way to choose when scaling is preferred. Meaning that is close to scalable just out-of-the-box – you do not have to do the magic start handling the scale.

#4 Sharing is encouraged

Sharing packages of library code is pretty much fine. This means if any problem is faced by the developer, the Node Package Manager (npm), with its repository of 50,000 packages, helps the developer with the solutions. Updating, sharing and reusing of code are therefore much easier.

#5 Ideal for real-time applications

Like I said before, if you are intending to build real-time web applications like chat, then it is the Node.Js that is suited for its development. In addition to this, the platform is used in the development of games. In case, if the web applications get to handle a large number of real-time users then event-based server, non-blocking driven server are best suited. 

3 Key Points to Consider before Mapping out A Node.js Application

  • Choosing the right directory structure for the app- While deciding on the directory structure for your app, it is always advisable to consider the design pattern you chose. By doing this, you will be able to find the code, help with onboarding, and issues could be isolated on the quick basis. In fact, I personally prefer using an MVC pattern while architecting a Node.js app. As a result, I could develop faster and way flexible apps to create multiple views of the same data, which allows asynchronous communication and isolation between MVC components, to name a few.
  • Mapping ER diagrams to models- The data modeling technique graphically illustrates an information system’s entities and the relationships between those entities. For instance, if your entity is a user then the corresponding model would be a “User” with attributes such as first_name, last_name, and address inside the database as well as a corresponding table and columns.
  • Using the MVP pattern- Most of you have this misconception that Implementing MVC is all about creating folders for controllers, views, and models. No, it is not so! One needs to divide their code and logic according to MVC. Developers in general, forget that the models will also have code that will perform CRUD operations. Keeping the views clean will not only provide a better user experience but also help you change views without altering any other component.

“Well this does not mean that the technology is a game changer but they all save time, what is essential for a startup to stay lean.”

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