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The Product Management Process: 7 Important Stages for Startup

  • MilapChavda 


Every business once was a startup company. For every startup business, it is important to create a road map for the success of their product management process. The road might be long and painful, but you€™ll reach the destination by following the strategy you€™ve prepared on the road map.

According to the research of UXCam 34.2% of profit can be increased by implementing an effective product management process. Therefore, it is crystal clear that building a road map for product management in the starting stage is tough.

Define: Product Management Process

Behind every successful product, there is a brand awareness strategy. Product management development is about capturing the whole targeted market. The product management process is a continuous flow of assumptions, experiments, new experiences, learning from new products and developing a real product.

Why is the Product Management Process so Valuable?

Nowadays, there is huge competition in the market whether you€™re launching a product or going for the service industry. It€™s not an easy task to launch a product in this competitive world. Here are the benefits of following the product management process.

  • Shape up the targeted audience
  • Frame the future of your product
  • Giving different solutions
  • Creating a roadmap in one place
  • Develop a product that your audience needs

Let us dive deep into each way of the product management process:


The cycle of product management depends on project to project. There is no fixed process for product management. However, following the systematic product development process is the only motive of the business owner.

1. Design your Ideas

There should be only one goal and priority at the early stage i.e., design your product from the customer’s point of view. As a startup business owner, you should invest your 50% time in designing your idea. It will also help you to filter all basic ideas that come up with non-trivial solutions.

Here are the 3 ways you can do that effectively:

  • Market Research:

Do the market research, know what is trending in the market, your competitors, which are the highest invested product. Gather all this information before you launch or design your product. It will give you a vast idea of the market and save your time.

  • Brainstorming:

This activity is completely related to the mind. While you€™re researching, 1000 ideas might come to your mind i.e., brainstorming activity. To streamline this activity you need to create an open-minded atmosphere, don’t include criticism and at last build a diverse team.

  • Come-up with Solutions:

While researching and brainstorming, it might happen you come up with a few issues. If you could identify those issues, then it’s time for all the possible solutions.9737579868

Whether your issue is common or not. Every problem comes with its solution. It’s just something you need to find.

2. Continue with your Plan

You might have 1000 ideas in your mind. It€™s just a matter of specifications. Analyze your idea by using SWOT analysis

S – Strength, W – Weakness, O – Opportunity, T – Threat. This will help you filter your attractive ideas, but you might find it hard to reach and pick the one that is easier to get and realistic. The main point of this stage is to check the product management process and the feasibility of your idea.

Tip for product management process:

Try to describe your idea by asking a few questions to yourself.

  • What kind of problem can I solve?
  • How will I figure out the success of my product?
  • How will people trust my product/
  • Is anything new I€™m serving to my audience?
  • How will I convince my audience?

3. Develop the Strategy

And here, you’re one step away from developing a product. This is the role of a product manager to create a product development strategy. Market research and customer development will shape the product€™s vision over time.

The best way to break the product strategy chain is to create the roadmap. Here are the points you should include while preparing the roadmap.

  • Objective and Goal
  • Area of Product
  • Product Features
  • Know your KPIs – Key Performance Indicators

The product road map is just not for one person, it is useful to the team. Before you go ahead make sure that you & your team is on the same page.

4. Create the Product

Don€™t rush to launch your product. It takes time to create, make sure you create it with all the necessary features which attract the customers. While creating a product, focus on the value of your product in the market rather than focusing on launching.

Keep the product as simple as possible. Whether a landing page or an app should be simple to operate, don€™t complicate it. Test the app or page to know the value and see the reaction to the solution.

5. Regularly Improve your Product

The product development process and launching is not the end. Here at this point, it is important to make sure that your business sustains in the market. An application needs constant improvement, you need to add new features, give some exciting offers, and stay in this competitive world.

As a startup company, you need to be flexible and achieve both self and team flexibility.

Here is the Tip for Product Management:

Take feedback from your regular customers and try to improve the app accordingly. The ones who use your product are the best-known people of your product more than yourself.

Wrapping up:

The product management process is just the way to make your product successful in the market. The process that you follow should have a purpose and goal, it should not be like you need to implement and you did. There should be some outcome.

Summarizing all the above five ways of product management process:

  • Design your ideas.
  • Continue with your plan.
  • Develop the strategy.
  • Create the product.
  • Regularly improve your product.

If you€™ll implement these ways for your product management process, it is sure that your product will sustain the market.

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