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The Influence of AI and ML on Online Education

The world has been witness to some profound changes over the past couple of decades. For example, we can shop for furniture without needing to leave our house or even send money halfway across the world with a few taps on your smartphone’s screen. However, there is one aspect of human existence that has undergone some of the most profound changes of them all — learning. Yep. Today, education is no more confined to schools, colleges, or other educational facilities. Today, students have not only opened up to the possibility of learning on their smartphones, desktops, and other mobile devices but are embracing it with quite a bit of enthusiasm.


And understandably so, after all the benefits are far too many to be ignored. And as this concept continues to gain traction in the industry, we now have more advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, being roped in to help. When you come to think of it, AI and ML fit right in in the online learning space — these are technologies that are primed to enhance things like digital learning and improve them in ways that one may have never imagined before. And as expected, they have indeed delivered and enabled world-class advantages that have made online learning not only that much more fun, thus making it substantially easier for learners to, you know, learn. Let’s explore their role a tad more and see how this duo has benefitted online learning.

  1. Gamify learning: Studying, in general, can be a bit boring, even if it is happening online. But AI and ML have enabled teachers and companies to tackle that challenge with some help from AI and ML. How? Well, it has helped instructional designers integrate gaming in their courses to not only keep users engaged, but also to make sure that they are indeed able to learn. From quizzes to digital treasure, hunts, and whatnot — AI and ML have genuinely changed the face of online learning.
  2. Tailored learning: The thing about learners is that they are not all the same, i.e., they have individual learning pace, requirements, and more. But how do you understand and gauge that online? Rope in AI and ML is how; they can be used to track users’ progress across the course, their engagement levels, and also generate surveys, and the insights thus gleaned can be used to adapt the session following their requirements.
  3. Put big data to work: Online learning, of course, involves a lot of valuable data, and to truly leverage it, AI and ML put big data to work and deliver reports and insights underpinned by the analysis of all that data.

If you want to take your online tutoring portal to the next level, it is clear as day to see that AI and ML integration is an absolute must. And they stand to deliver a world of benefits for your students as well, helping them learn better and at a much faster pace.

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