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The Future is All about AI Devices That Can Actually Serve Us

The Future is All about AI Devices That Can Actually Serve Us

The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) devices in augmenting humans and in achieving tasks that were previously considered unachievable is just amazing. With the world progressing towards an age of unlimited innovations and unhindered progress, we can expect that AI will have a greater role in actually serving us for the better.

Since I have been associated with this wave of change towards AI-driven technologies and modules, I have literally been amazed at the ground we have covered during the last couple of years or so. As the technology behind AI gets revamped and updated on a regular basis, we can expect the wave of change to serve us in an even better way in the future.

A few cases of AI at work currently really do make us excited about the future of this technology. Some of the examples of this technology include:

  • We now have AI personal assistants to help us in tackling everyday tasks that were becoming a bit overwhelming in the past. These digital assistants can help streamline what you are doing, and come in handy to get your schedule on the right track. The potential for smart apps goes far beyond digital assistants. Many mobile applications are starting to make use of AI in a bid to improve performance and the satisfaction users eventually get.
  • A wide variety of linguists and other expert software developers dedicate time to build the services of a responsive personal assistant. These assistants can answer basic questions, while also tracking down information, sending messages, and launching services, among many other tasks.
  • Elsa is one AI app that is working to help users achieve a better English accent in a flawless manner. The app offers professional coaching and pronunciation practice that can help build your accent.
  • Google Allo follows on the trend of voice recognition to help you type text when you are on the move. Striking on the keyboard can often be exhaustive, so Google Allo is a good way to get the job done before exhausting yourself or diverting your attention. Reply to all those messages without moving a joint.

The Future

What we see in AI mechanisms and technology today is that they respond to what we say and do. However, it wouldn’t be unjustified to expect more innovations in this regard during the future. The future could see us witnessing smart devices that actually serve us, rather than responding to what we tell them to do.

Applications in the future could serve us by following open mobile and AI ecosystems. By serving us independently and by knowing us better, these devices would definitely be more intuitive and will provide a more convenient service.

Companies Driving the Future of AI

While we have been discussing possibilities in the future of AI, there are companies across the globe working tirelessly to achieve it. One such example can be of Baidu and Huawei. Both these organizations recently entered into an agreement that could lead the way into the future of Artificial Intelligence. The two companies aim to incorporate their offerings in a way that could benefit services ranging from AI Platforms, to Internet services and content. Both the organizations currently aim to build an open ecosystem through Baidu’s Brain and Huawei’s HiAI platform. The open ecosystem will eventually empower AI developers to explore bolder options by incorporating the services of both the companies. This will eventually open the door towards better AI offerings for consumers looking for a better smart experience.

About the Author

If you would like to read more from Ronald van Loon on the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and the Internet of Things (IoT), please click “Follow” and connect on LinkedInTwitter and YouTube.




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