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The Data Scientist: a New and Necessary Profession

The advancement of new technologies and the development of big data require professionals with skills in many fields: computer science, mathematics, statistics and business.


 Every day in the world 2.5 trillion bytes of information are generated, so much so that 90% of the data worldwide have been created only in the last 2 years . This information comes from all sides, sensors that gather climate information, publications on social networks, digital images and videos, purchase and transaction records and GPS signals from mobile phones, among others. All this information is known as ” Big Data ” and it is from this massive source of data that is imminent the birth of a professional who knows and generates a use of this information: the data scientist

Who is called a data scientist and what skills does the profession requires?

The data scientist is a new profession that today is considered key in the world of technologies and is one of the best paid. It is a person formed in the mathematical sciences and statistics that dominates the programming and its different languages, computer science and analytics .

The data science professional must also have the skills and knowledge to communicate his findings as he has them, not only in the area of ​​technology but also in the business sector. He must master the technology and databases to modify and improve the business orientation of the company for which he works .

The data scientist analyzes, interprets and communicates the new trends in the area and translates them into the company so that it can use them and adapt its products and services, and create new business opportunities. Google, for example, has 600 people dedicated to the study of Big Data .

However, the selection of a Big Data team is not an easy task: a recent study by the Economist Intelligence Unit interviewed 600 global executives and 54% of US entrepreneurs said finding the right professionals for a successful project Of Big Data is the most important obstacle to not doing so .

Jose Antonio Guerrero: The best data scientist in the world

Mathematician Jose Antonio Guerrero is considered the best data scientist in the world thanks to his brilliant predictive models. These models require a lot of work and calculation of variables, but to be successful they are capable of revolutionizing the world .

For Guerrero, one of the most extraordinary examples of data science is Netflix, which in 2006 made available to the scientific data community a base of more than 100 million recommendations of films of 500,000 users and proposed that the first team in Creating an algorithm that would improve your system by 10% would receive 1 million US dollars. The work took 3 years and 40,000 teams, but today it represents a model for most online stores.

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