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Book: Ten Signs of Data Science Maturity

1How well prepared is your organization to innovate, using data science? In this report, two leading data scientists at the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton describe ten characteristics of a mature data science capability. After spending years helping clients such as the US government and commercial organizations worldwide build innovative data science capabilities, Peter Guerra and Dr. Kirk Borne identified these characteristics to help you measure your company’s competence in this area.

This report provides a detailed discussion of each of the 10 signs of data science maturity, which—among many other things—encourage you to:

  • Give members of your organization access to all your available data
  • Use Agile and leverage “DataOps”—DevOps for data product development
  • Help your data science team sharpen its skills through open or internal competitions
  • Personify data science as a way of doing things, and not a thing to do

Peter Guerra is a Vice President in Booz Allen Hamilton’s Strategic Innovation Group, co-leading the Data Science team. He’s been a data geek throughout his IT career, focused on building highly available systems, distributed computing architectures, and analytics, with commercial and government clients.

Dr. Kirk Borne, Principal Data Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton, supports the Strategic Innovation Group in the area of NextGen Analytics and Data Science. He was a professor at George Mason University in the graduate (Ph.D.) Computational Science and Informatics program, and worked for 18 years on NASA contracts, including as the Hubble Telescope Data Archive Project Scientist.

The book is available, here.

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