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Technology optimization opportunities amidst Covid-19

This is about how can automation teams leverage this current situation or treat this situation as ray of light for direction.

While this is certainly a tough time for the global and various industries, I believe that we can take benefit out of this different operating model. Business teams can work with their technology and automation teams to leverage this situation and create an optimized team / model for future.

  1. Up-skill and re-skill our teams/employees to enhance the capability mix of our teams.
  2. Assess the automation opportunities across those business areas “also” which were on our 02nd or 03rd priority list (of course assessing top opportunities). This will create a significant business pipeline the moment we come out of this situation.
  3. Generally we expect different set of team members to create test data for any automation project/delivery. However if we (as automation teams) can ourselves work with teams to create test data, we can certainly resume the halted projects (because of test data not being available). This will exponentially enhance our domain knowledge as well.
  4. We may also look for additional automation opportunities which would otherwise get rejected due to negative CBA. During this situation, these opportunities may not yield cost or revenue benefit but will help our business teams when we recover (lets say after 3-4 months).
  5. We may also look to enhance our architecture design of our automation solutions which otherwise would have been a tough call to execute.
  6. Last option (though toughest one) is to rationalize vendor resources to the level we can.

These thoughts have been transpired assuming that business volume has either decreased or may start to decrease and hence opportunities for service industry.

Originally posted here

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