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Preparing for AI Driven Future with Hybrid Cloud

Preparing for AI Driven Future with Hybrid Cloud

Organizations across the globe are buzzing about the cloud as the savior of their data management needs that provides them with the assistance they require for their business solutions. In this digital era of insights and analytics, the cloud has emerged as the best possible source for data management. 

However, the suitability of the cloud for data management does not mean that you should jump toward it without doing some of your own homework. Organizations should know what they are stepping into, and all the options they have when it comes to the cloud. What are the questions you need to ask your cloud provider before making the migration? What are the challenges that you will face through this move? It is best to have answers to all of these questions before you make the strategic move to the cloud. 

The biggest opportunity the move to the cloud presents is that of future-readiness. The digital future everyone has been going on about is currently upon us, and only companies that are ready for it can sail smoothly during the decades to come. By the 2020s, nothing other than a hybrid cloud strategy will suffice for data management. The demands and needs of the digital world of the future are inherently different than what they were in the past. Make sure that you are prepared for them. 

Ronald Van Loon has worked with Exasol for quite some time now and is the company’s ambassador. As part of this partnership, he recently had the opportunity to speak with senior executives and company experts from the industry. Here we take a look at some key insights from their discussion regarding the cloud. 

End Client Demand Drives Cloud Adoption

All business endeavors and processes in this day and age are derived to meet the expectations and demands of the end client. The customer holds the key to introducing change within your brand, which is why it is important that you keep tabs on their demands. 

Organizations need to align their digital business strategy to justify cloud investments. Cloud makes it easier and faster to build new AI-driven applications which make public cloud attractive to leverage for digital business opportunities. Private cloud is being exploited, especially where intellectual property control, regulatory or compliance concerns, security, performance, and cost of service delivery are important,” mentions Mathias Golombek, the CTO of Exasol. 

Most entrepreneurs and C-level executives have their eyes on the industry and their customers, and consider this input before making predictions about the future. They want to know what the future holds and take inspiration from historical developments within the industry and the specifications of their clients to gather this knowledge. 

Forrester reveals that the shift towards hybrid cloud is being driven in part by a desire for greater competitive differentiation. “To stay ahead of their digital competitors, companies seek hybrid cloud because a hybrid model can offer higher consistency, better security, and more agility than any one public or private cloud can alone.”

The demand from organizations have been leading the change toward cloud adoption at the organizational level. 

On Premises, Hybrid and Multi Cloud 

Since we expect organizations to have a basic understanding of cloud types before migrating, here we mention a brief explanation of the three main kinds. 

On Premise 

On-premise is a physical on-site server, present within the premises of the organization that requires management and upkeep by the organization. This can end up being an expensive solution for an organization, as they have to spend a greater amount of money on a short-term basis. There is limited accessibility for organizations here, as the system isn’t accessible to all. 

The benefit of on-premise cloud is that you still have sufficient control over data security. This is a plus for companies that have the talent to manage this. However, this isn’t as appealing for companies that lack the technical expertise. 


The hybrid cloud system combines on-premise, private, and public cloud services, synchronized between the two platforms to support workload mobility as computing needs evolve. In shorter terms, the hybrid cloud uses the best of all worlds to deliver the desired results to you. 

Companies find this method beneficial because they can benefit from the promise of security and cloud agility, without compromising on anything. In other words, they get the versatility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of public cloud, along with the security, dependability, and compliance of private cloud.

The hybrid cloud system will dictate the way organizations work in the future. 


The multi-cloud is a cloud setup where the client uses two or more cloud platforms from different providers in one varied architecture. Unlike hybrid cloud, which relies on different deployment models, it utilizes multiple cloud services.

These cloud platforms can provide multiple solutions for different workloads, but don’t have the synchronization required for having connectivity across the board. 

Cloud Considerations for Startups and Enterprises 

Both new startups and established enterprises have different factors they should consider before moving to the cloud. 


Figuring out cloud needs can be a different ball game for startups, as they have to gauge the setting around them and make the best possible decision. One of the biggest differences for startups vs. established enterprises is that startups have no legacy system to consider. They’re a greenfield site, and can choose a cloud approach that suits their current and future needs without having to consider old technologies, systems, and processes. Figuring out the capabilities you want from your cloud platform can be a good way to start for companies that are just initiating their AI journey. 

Before you jump on the AI bandwagon, you need to know exactly what you require, and what path you should take forward. This helps give you intelligent capabilities and can quicken acceleration. 


Enterprises often begin their AI initiatives in the cloud, then they make the transition to their own hardware after they have optimized their hybrid  production models. This is especially particular to larger organization where requisitions must constantly change, and flexibility is required to accommodate it. 

It is also noteworthy to add that it’s not uncommon for enterprises to have legacy systems in place, and navigating a cloud approach must include considerations for the technology and process requirements.

Planning and Prepping for Migration

The migration toward a cloud system should be planned in accordance to the challenges, such as cost management, data security, and culture changes. It is best for you to be prepared to handle these challenges in the most strategic manner possible. 

In a hybrid system, you will have to incorporate the cloud with your legacy systems, so make sure you have the kind of in-house expertise required to make this happen.

Take your Business Where It Needs to Go

Cloud is the tool to take your business where it is destined to go. Consider the different factors and approach to the cloud outlined here, and think about the benefits of the cloud to get your business to where it needs to be. 

Finally, you should keep checking the changing market to make sure that you’re on the right path. By keeping an eye on the market, you can make the required amendments in your own strategy.

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