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Marketing & Advertising: Stats and Data Analysis


With marketing and advertising gaining more space on the internet, big data analytics are playing a prominent role in following the trends on the market and providing users with key statistics.

Data analysis and statistics traditionally play an important role in analyzing the success of companies and brands in the market.

The growth of internet marketing has introduced new trends. Marketing and advertising remain hotspots of big data analytics.

Stats and data analysis are used by companies to keep progress of their performance in the market and keep an eye on the ongoing trends, as well as indicators of growth and important changes in the market.

The article will provide a statistical overview of marketing and advertising statistics and data analysis.

Digital Advertising Data and Insights

Worldwide revenue in digital advertising in 2016 has reached 198,438.9 million USD. The largest segment of the Digital Advertising market is Search Advertising, with the volume of 90,740.3 million USD in 2016.

Stats & Trends

Compared to 2015, when the revenue was 168,422 million USD, all segments have recorded steady growth, and the trend is expected to continue in 2017.

After Search Advertising, largest segments remain Banner Advertising, with 43,467 million USD in 2016, and Social Media Advertising with 27, 065 million USD in 2016.

Mobile generated revenue has grown from 56,940 million USD in 2015 to 81,069 USD in 2016, which is 7.1 percent.

Display advertising stats by industry in 2016 show that 13.9 percent revenue is generated in retail industry, which amounts to 8,920 million USD.

This is followed by Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCD) with 13.4 and Services with 13.44 percent.

United States remain a country which generated the most revenue, 80,177 million USD, followed by China with 43,902, United Kingdom (14,251) and Japan (8,671).

Banner Advertising Trends for 2016

Banner Advertising is by far the largest segment of digital advertising. Banner Advertising revenue in 2016 amounted to 43,467 million USD.

Stats & Trends

Strong growth is predicted in the following years. Estimates are that Banner Advertising will reach a market volume of 69,777 million in 2021.

A dramatic increase in mobile generated revenue in 2016 is a strong indicator that mobile devices are taking the lead in digital advertising. It is expected that mobile generated revenue will overtake desktop generated revenue already in 2018.

Average revenue per internet user is USD 14.78 in 2016, an increase from 13.55 in 2015.

Again, most revenue is generated in the US, with the market volume of 19,554 million USD.

Other Marketing Data

Growth is expected in email marketing, with indicators showing that the importance of direct communication with customers is valued by an increasing number of marketers.

Blogging and Social Media Stats & Trends

Data indicates that B2B marketers who use blogs receive more leads than marketers who don’t.

The importance of business blogging is increasing, as marketers who have made it their priority are 13 times more likely to have positive ROI.

The trend is also evident with companies.

Companies which use blogging are receiving 97 percent more links to their websites.

  • 1.65 billion social mobile accounts were inactive in 2016. Over 1 million new active users on social media every day.
  • Visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on social networks compared to another type of content.

  • Almost 95 percent of the brand tweet, 82 percent of them tweet 1 to 6 times per day. 48 percent of brands replied to at least one brand tweet every day.
  • 4.4 million videos were uploaded on Facebook in February 2016. The videos posted on Facebook have generated 199 billion views.
  • 40 million active small business pages on Facebook, 2 million of them pay for advertising.

Email Marketing

  • iPhone is the top email client, with 33 percent email opens followed by Gmail and iPad.
  • 75 percent of 900 million accounts on Gmail were accessed from mobile devices.
  • Email is the most used source of data analytics for marketers.
  • 89 percent of marketers say use email as their primary channel for lead generation.

Online Reviews and Digital Marketing

The increased importance of online reviews in online business and their influence in digital marketing becomes evident when we look at the following statistics.

  • 90 percent of consumers read online reviews before they decide to visit a business.
  • Online reviews have the same value for customers as personal recommendations.
  • Customers will likely tend to spend more on a business with good reviews.
  • Up to 72 percent of consumers will take action after reading a positive review.

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