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Main Trends for IT in 2016 (infographic)

Guest blog and infographic from Glorium Technologies


Spiceworks report defines 4 main IT trends of upcoming 2016.

  1. Companies’ revenue is to grow while IT budget is to remain the same.
  2. As a consequence, CIOs are to make more with less.
  3. Even though security concers are going to increase, security expencses are to stay flat.
  4. The leading priority of IT busget 2016 is end of life of a product.

On average, each company plans to increase IT spending by max $2000 (comparing 2015 and 2016, worldwide). According to results of responses, 42% claim that budget remains the same, 38% states that it is to increase, while 10% is bound to decrease it. The reason for such outcome is willingness to keep the cost low. IT stuff is not to increase, either: 59% – no changes, 34% – plans to increase, 4% plans to decrease.

The main priorities of 2016 IT budget are: hardware expenses (37%), software expenses (31%), cloud-based projects (14%) and software expenses (13%).

Surprisingly, laptops are not to take the first place in 2016, instead of desktops. Here are how hardware expenses are to be distributed: 21% desktops, 19% servers, 16% laptops, 10% networking, 6% external storage, 6% mobile and tablets.

Software expenses are divided more evenly: 15% goes to virtualization, OS and productivity. 10% goes to CRM, backup and database. 9% goes to security.
The main motto of expenses: “If it ain’t broken – don’t fix it”.

Here are the main reasons foe companies’ investing in IT: end of life, growth or additional needs, upgrades or refresh cycles, end user need, project need, budget availability, application compatibility and new technologies or features.

Responses to the question “Is your security on a descent level?” are rather surprising: 61% do not conduct security audit, 59% believe that  their investments in security are not adequate, for 51% security is not a 2016 priority, 48% regard their business process as not adequately protected.


  1. Companies’ revenue is going to increase, while IT budet is not going to be changed.
  2. CIO’s will have to solve strategic issues for the future with budget from the past.
  3. End of life of a product is the main boost for the IT investments.
  4. Even though, companies understand that they do not invest enough in security, security budget is to stay rather low.

Infographic preparation was based upon Spiceworks annual report on IT budgets and tech trends.

The original blog can be seen here.

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