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Is Model Bias a Threat to Equal and Fair Treatment? Maybe, Maybe Not.

New article by Bill Vorhies.

Summary:  There is a great hue and cry about the danger of bias in our predictive models when applied to high significance events like who gets a loan, insurance, a good school assignment, or bail.  It’s not as simple as it seems and here we try to take a more nuanced look.  The result is not as threatening as many headlines make it seem.

Is Model Bias a Threat to Equal and Fair Treatment? Maybe, Maybe Not.Is social bias in our models a threat to equal and fair treatment?  Here’s a sample of recent headlines:

  • Biased Algorithms Are Everywhere, and No One Seems to Care
  • Researchers Combat Gender and Racial Bias in Artificial Intelligence
  • Bias in Machine Learning and How to Stop It
  • AI and Machine Learning Bias Has Dangerous Implications
  • AI Professor Details Real-World Dangers of Algorithm Bias
  • When Algorithms Discriminate

Holy smokes!  The sky is falling.  There’s even an entire conference dedicated to the topic:  the conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* – it’s their acronym, I didn’t make this up) now in its fifth year.

Read full article here

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