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IoT – Transforms the world to Smart Planet with Smart Machines


“We are in a brave new world where not only do our children talk back to us, but so do our appliances.”  – Mohammed Dastagir

Smart machines to make this world a smart planet was advocated nearly 70 years ago by Alan Turing.  In his 1950 article “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” he has stated as follows:

“…It can also be maintained that it is best to provide the machine with the best sense organs that money can buy, and then teach it to understand and speak English.”

With IoT and Twilio, his farfetched vision has come true in the past few years.  Machines have now started talking, texting and recording data without human intervention.  It could with more technological development in the future reach new horizons.

In this modern world, human dependency is getting reduced in many ways.  Thanks to the IoT revolution in recent years and along with it other technologies.  One such cloud-based platform to communicate without human intervention is Twilio.  This combination of IoT and Twilio does wonders in this digitalized world.

IoT with embedded sensors in things enables digital follow through of its functions.  And if the details are communicated by voice or text instantly, it opens a floodgate of opportunities.  Precisely this is what is happening with the combination of IoT and Twilio.  Also, it provides the all-powerful data for future benefits.

Be it as a an SMS provider for incident management or tracking call status all are well done by Twilio.  It is the reason Twilio  IoT combination is being adopted by many Fortune 500 companies nowadays.  The list is set to grow with more developments and rapid growth of IoT.

To get the benefits of both IoT and Twilio it is pertinent to have the proper infrastructure for their easy facilitation.  Only by appropriate incorporation of the two could bring in spectacular results in the future. As per Henry Samuel words

“We need to get smarter about hardware and software innovation to get the most value from the emerging Internet of Things.”

So to know how Twilio facilitates IoT it is essential to understand some basic facts of IoT and Twilio.  

What is IoT?

Internet of Things is a network of phycial objects that can transfer data without human support.  It collects and shares data about how the elements are used and about the environment around them.

What are the things that can be connected by IoT?

IoT is a wide network of things or devices or objects and people to interact.  It could be within internal states or the external environment. The following examples could help to understand IoT:

  • Smart microwaves cook food for the precise length of time
  • Self-driving cars with sophisticated sensors to detect objects in their path
  • Wearable fitness devices to measure the heart rate and, blood pressure with every step taken to customize the fitness plan
  • Connected footballs that track the speed, distance and accuracy with which they are thrown or hit to empower future training purposes

Why IoT? 

IoT enables things to observe, identify and understand without human help about a situation or its surroundings.  The following facts emphasize the functions of IoT:

  • It makes to know everything about the things using the gathered data without manual help
  • Able to track and count everything to reduce waste, loss, and cost
  • Ready to see when the things need replacement, repairing and recalling
  • To tell whether are new or completed their time

How does IoT work? 

Things which could be devices and objects with embedded sensors are connected to the IoT platform.  It integrates data from the different devices and shares the most valuable information applying analytics. It enables to cater to the specific needs of the Mobile Application Development.

With the high-end IoT platforms, it is easy to filter the data and get the precisely needed information.  It can be used for the following: 

  • Identify patterns and trends
  • Give recommendations according to the interest of the customers.
  • Prevent any problems even before they occur


How can IoT help?

The IoT all powerful IoT platforms help the business grow to new horizons by the following ways: 

  • By improving the process efficiency, organizations can optimize on costs
  • Assets can be appropriately utilized for profound productivity
  • Enhances real-time analytics and insights with advanced tracking of things using sensors & connectivity
  • Creating more opportunities for everyone with growth and convergence of data  and process


What are the sectors that can benefit from IoT? 

Many industrial sectors are now started benefiting from IoT.  Through its connected technology, it is transforming industries and organizations.  As per the US GAO or the Government Accountability Office, it has made inroads into sectors like

  • Energy
  • Connected cars
  • Manufacture
  • Wearable
  • Smart homes and buildings
  • Supply chain
  • Agriculture

How to facilitate IoT adoption?

It is essential to know how to facilitate and also accelerate IoT adoptions. It is a goldmine for the future to be used accordingly for spectacular results.  Following are six ways to promote IoT adoption within an organization: 

1. Increase the organization’s IQ:

The human beings IQ and EQ are their fundamental measure of knowledge and emotion control.  Even though the EQ of IoT is not possible, the IQ of it in any organization can be increased. It is done across any organization by creating awareness of IoT which includes:

  • Information sharing via internal newsletters and other communication channels
  • Conducting a series of “lunch & learn” brown bag sessions
  • Frequent meetings including outside eminent speakers, business leaders, customers, innovators, and many others
  • Short sessions of live training, playing recorded videos and mini-courses
  • Hosting various demos to portray the examples of the possibilities

2. Creating catalysts of IoT within an organization:

In-house IoT catalysts have to be built within organizations to stimulate IoT adoption.  These catalysts must be a cross-functional team with expert knowledge of IoT technologies, and its best practices and applications.  They can facilitate adoption in the following in other ways: 

  • Identifying areas within an organization to conduct IoT  pilots to prove its competence
  • Should be circulating in an exhaustive method of the success stories of such pilots across the organization
  • Always to be on the lookout to uncover IoT opportunities by engaging with developer and operations teams
  • Spearheading the organizations IoT campaign with its questions, planning, strategy and many more
  • Alleviating the IoT adoption barriers in infrastructure, policies, and process of the organization

3. The innovation of IoT:

Even though it is an excellent, innovative technology, it is not innovation by itself.  Sandbox is built by IT for innovation and experimentation of IoT. It gives enough proof of the concept development. With the following advantages:

  • Comprises tools to create simple software applications
  • Able to run simulations of different environments
  • Collect user feedback and analyze data
  • Easy design setup & configuration with a connection to a wide range of edge devices
  • Enables IoT innovators to test ideas, develop proof of concepts
  • Helps to create future projects

4. Prioritize pilots & projects

IT team should prioritize prioritizing early IoT projects. It is done by constantly identifying  and supporting projects on the following added criteria:

  • Impact on organization
  • Skill building by learning values
  • Scalability of future projects
  • Types of problems solved
  • Cross-functional involvement
  • Integration & interoperability

5. Transform infrastructure to be ready for IoT:

The existing infrastructure of organizations along with its process and policies will hinder the success of IoT projects. Hence transformation that enables the adoption and scaling of IoT to be possible include the following:

  • There should be proper security of the things inside and outside the firewall
  • Disparate data from multiple sources should be appropriately integrated and managed
  • Complex events and activity data to learning and execution
  • Integration of operations, legacy, and specialized systems to suit IoT adoption
  • The agility and scalability should be improved to the new challenges of IoT like dynamic workloads and storage
  • Scaling the latency processing and critical missions
  • Proper administration, management, and support to the things

6. Collaboration with partners for continuous success:

Since IoT is still in the evolving stage, it is necessary to collaborate with external partners.  Only this in this dynamic world with knowledge at a rapid pace could yield success.  It could bring better executions, makes fast learning, and also reduces risk.  There are many forms of such collaborations which include:

  • Exchange of knowledge through the industry of other peer forums
  • Knowledge transfers through formal engagements like industry analyst briefings
  • Contributing to industry papers, panels, and working groups
  • Increase existing capabilities by engaging external consultants and specialists in the field
  • Leveraging industry frameworks like industrial internet consortium and others
  • Making use of third-party solutions instead of relying solely on building it within the organization

What is Twilio?

Twilio is a cloud-based communications platform for providing voice and text messaging capabilities into web apps. By connecting humans to machine network, Twilio expedites IoT.  For more than a decade, it services more than 40,000 customers including Coca Cola and Dell.  

Functions of Twilio:

There are many functions of Twilio from getting a phone number anywhere in the world with just opening an account with Twilio. The features are increasing every day, which now includes New Conference Call services, High-Volume SMS tools and many more.  Its rapid growth can be known from is CEO Jeff Lawson’s words

“We are moving from a world where you did all of your communications in one app to a world where communication is rolled into any app you would use”.

The following are some of the functions of it:

  • Integration of alerts through text, voice calls and many more
  • Enables software developers using web services APIs to implant voice message and video directly into applications
  • Offers the highest quality of calls
  • Enables most reliable messaging service
  • Accelerates authentication and identity adoption with its implanted 2FA or the two-factor authentication
  • The SIM lifecycle is tracked, monitored and managed with a few lines of code
  • It easily integrates cellular connectivity into the IoT
  • Increases the growth and success rates with IoT
  • With AMD  or answering machine detection, it filters calls from human and machines
  • With its Taskrouter API connects the calls to the appropriate agent for better results

Twilio & IoT:

Twilio and Internet of things mutually benefit each other offering better communication facilities for organizations.  IoT needs innovative partners to give the expected success, and it teams well with Twilio. The journey of them both together for several years now has revolutionized the way of communications without human support.  

Seven reasons how Twilio can facilitate IoT:

IoT on its own is not innovation, but it is an innovative technology to change the world once and for all.  But it has to have technical partners to stimulate this creative transformation. In case of communication of the things or devices or objects, IoT and Twilio partner for better result s.  As per Edewede Oriwoh, it can be clearly understood.

“The internet of things is not a concept: it is a network, the true technology-enabled network of all networks.”

The following are the 7 reasons of how Twilio facilitates IoT


1. Cloud communication:

The evolving technological changes need to be integrated for better benefits.  Hence it is not a secret that IoT requires cloud communication. Nowadays many factors are transforming organizations to access the cloud.  They include distributed company operations, increased communication devices and data managed remotely.  

The usage of cloud communication in data transfer between devices by Twilio is hosted on AWS.  Hence it increases scalable communication to adapt fast and efficient to the changing conditions.

2. User-friendly API:

The API of Twilio easily integrates with other market-leading cloud platforms like Google cloud and Windows Azure. It can bring into a single platform real-time IP communications, voice, SMS, and MMS altogether.  It enables to build the right solutions without the support of separate equipment, protocols, and software.  

Twilio now solves the critical challenge IoT which is the unification of communication channels. The wide range of developer tools including helper libraries and documentation enables it. Also, the support services of reference on the website make it possible.  

3. Secure communication:

With Twilio, organizations need not worry about the security of their communications.  They have to safeguard their data from being hacked and have control over the internet connected devices. The following are the ways Twilio ensures the security of communications: 

  • Periodically scans the systems for any security vulnerabilities
  • Performs third-party penetration tests many times in a year
  • Its engineers restrict and regularly audit all access to its production clusters
  • It offers 24/7 incident response within seconds
  • It adheres to all PCI compliances and offers multi-tenancy

4. Intelligent communication:

With AMD or Answering Machine Detection facility it filters human calls from machines. It enables even to leave a message on an answering machine.  Intelligent routing systems for contact centers are developed using Twilio’s TaskRouter API.  This route calls from customers in all forms to the best-suited agent for it.  With this facility, there is no need for a separate contact center. It apart from improving customer experience also increases Ithe agent efficiency.

5. Universal Application:

IoT is spreading its wings across various sectors of the business world tan universal application is crucial.  Twilio can form global communication channel which notifies details of the task.  It enables to send specific notifications only for a particular day by SMS.  It also cuts done the service maintenance response time for customers.  

6. Scalability:

Scalability is the flagship feature of Twilio.  It’s easy to use platform enables automatic volume pricing as per the growth.  Its scalability is possible because of is connectivity through data-driven routing and across 3,200 carriers.  

7. Reliability:

Twilio offers reliability in more than 50 countries through its global communication and local numbers.  As per a Garner report, more than 26 billion devices will be connected to IoT by 2020 with revenue generation to exceed 300 billion dollars. With the IoT estimates exceeding more than 11 trillion dollars by 2025 it is only one way for IoT and Twilio. It could offer more reliability with its large scale deployment.



Smart machines to make Smart planet:

IoT movement is mostly about machine to machine interaction.  Twilio alerts on the notifications to the human beings from the machine interaction proceeds.  Hence it makes the machine interaction proactive with proper outputs.  With the rapid increase of IoT and its connection to billions of devices predict a bright future of Twilio.  The facilitation provides to IoT could increase with technology and make this world a smart planet.

Monitoring heartbeat to bills of hotels:

Twilio is fast expanding to SIM connected to the heartbeat with ibeat. Also, it brings in eatabit to monitor hotel bills.  All this and much more expand Twilio’s growth to new horizons.  It facilitates IoT to bring in spectacular outcomes with comfortable user experience with API, scalability and many more.  It could change the world for better in the future.

IoT facilitated by Twilio:

Integrating multiple connectivity sources is the most dreaded issue for IoT App Development Company while building an IoT portfolio.  The cloud-based communication platform of Twilio will secure and integrate cellular connectivity of the IoT portfolio.  The benefits of IoT facilitated by Twilio easy procurement and management of SIMs, provide a secure, and reliable global network with developer-friendly APIs and focuses on the managements software-connectivity, service-lifecycle and device.

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