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IoT in Agriculture: A Bonus for All your Farming Activities


How great would it be to monitor your fields remotely through a smart gadget?

The Internet of Things is defining the new present and future of the farming world. It is positively impacting the overall growth of the farming sector with automation. A smart farming solution has made it easier to:

  • Monitor the fields in real-time
  • Conserve water with smart irrigation
  • Manage the crops remotely
  • Keep a real-time check on the livestock
  • Smart pest management
  • Smart greenhouses

An IoT-powered smart farming solution is an innovative concept, specially built for real-time monitoring of the crops through sensors. The system utilizes advanced sensors to monitor different parameters on the fields like temperature, soil moisture, seed quality, light, amount of water required, etc. And the interesting fact about it is the farmers can perform all these operations remotely.

How would you Describe Smart Farming?

            The Internet of Things is conquering every industry by offering innovative concepts for better productivity. Similarly, farms are also starting to adopt smart IoT concepts to manage farms using real-time information, advanced communication technologies to increase the product’s quality and quantity.

A smart farming system uses sensor devices for interconnectivity that collect field data on a cloud-based platform. This data is further used to analyze different situations to obtain value-based outcomes for enhanced profitability, smarter decisions, and better farm management.

Need for Smart Farming Solutions

Automation is getting more advanced with the use of IoT concepts that efficiently handle sophisticated tasks and provide improvement in daily production. It is a growing market for smart agriculture with a significant increase in the adoption of IoT solutions. BI Intelligence has already predicted a 20% annual growth of agricultural IoT devices installations. Presently, the rapid growth of IoT device involvement in farming activities has made the agricultural industry very important. 

Stats also reveal a massive population increase up to 9.7 billion, which would require 69% growth in global farm production in the next 3 decades. These numbers prove the importance of implementing smart farming solutions to cater to the demands of this much population strength.

Unique Applications to Manage your Farms Smartly

Crop Monitoring

The Internet of Things has offered a 180° turn to the farming sector with its brilliant crop management concepts. It a sensor-based technology that deploys field sensors, which help the farmers or farm managers to obtain a different perspective concerning every situation like weather changes, soil quality, water requirements, etc. These sensors collect data to provide necessary information on the connected dashboard, making it a valuable asset to generate productivity. In today’s world, advanced software is installed to get smarter insights and valuable forecasts based on different scenarios. This eases out the decision-making processes for the farmers. The IoT-powered smart farming solution consolidates data from multiple field sensors to detect the field quality for improved crop production.

Livestock Management

It is saddening that the farmers in the US experience billion-dollar losses every year due to the health issues of livestock and even their deaths. With the help of IoT, the farmers can monitor their livestock’s health closely. It is an effective measure that prevents unwanted livestock losses. IoT-powered wearable devices like bands are designed to monitor the heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, overall health, and alert the farmers about any illness issues in their animals. Just like humans use different wearable devices like smartwatches, fit-bit bands to monitor their health issues; smart wearables are designed for your animals to keep a close check on their health. For instance, a cow’s temperature could reach a certain range where the wearable device sends an alert notification to the farmer way before there’s a change in cow’s behavior.

Pest Management

Pests are a real challenge for the farmers that require consistent efforts to overcome their adverse impacts on crops. IoT holds great potential to let the farmers address crop safety challenges with accuracy. These are sensor-enabled devices that can monitor the pest activities in real-time and alert the managers in case of any crop damage. Also, pesticides, when used properly, can save up to 40% of crop losses but wrong quality can destroy the entire field. To avoid situations like crop damage farmers are adopting IoT-powered smart pest systems. It targets every stage of the crop growth process through detailed analytics that significantly predicts swarm patterns and provides alert regarding crop health.

Weather Monitoring

There are immense agricultural benefits for weather condition monitoring through IoT. Also, IoT offers precise farming and contributes well to perform multiple tasks smartly. For instance, if you want to predict the weather conditions to sow seeds or reap the fields, the IoT-powered smart farming system would do all the work for you. The deployed sensor devices on the inside and outside of the fields provide you with real-time weather condition data. They collect the weather data to predict favourable and accurate conditions for crop growth like humidity, rainfall, and temperature. These parameters are the most important aspects of crop management. In case there is a weather disturbance, the sensors notify the farm managers with real-time updates and assist them in taking better decisions.

IoT Brings A Better Future for Farming

                       Undoubtedly, technology is changing our lives. From the invention of farming equipment to implementing technology like IoT for better production, advancement is leading ways of the agricultural sector. It has made difficult tasks like monitoring the field remotely easier and better than the traditional ways of manually inspecting the fields. The farm managers are now able to monitor the health of the livestock and crops accurately with the help of IoT. With the wearable IoT devices, technology is supplying innovation to the farmers. It is indeed a better decision to transform your fields with sensor-enabled technology and manage the crops through a smart farming solution to gain overall productivity. A smart farming solution involves a seamless installation process in a pocket-friendly budget. This solution ensures an improved business execution where the processing is faster and includes a well-planned market reach through smart supply chain management.

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