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How to Use Data Science to create Personalized Email Campaigns

Data has been preserved in various formats for a long time. After the boom of computers and electronic, most of the data storage migrated to the digital domain. And in the contemporary world data is preferred to be stored online.

With millions of people daily adding to the already , data runs in humongous numbers and is humbly termed as . The source of this data may vary and need not necessarily deal with online users.

What is data science?

Big data is important but how that data is utilized is much more important, this is where data science comes into play. Data science deals with analysis of big data and extraction of knowledge and insights to make it useful for consumption.

Importance of Data Science is wide ranging. A detailed data analysis can result in enhanced UX, cost reduction, time reduction, new product development and smart decision making. A new domain has opened up for application of Data science that targeted Marketing.

Data Science for Efficient Marketing

Ample data is available to marketers through website analytics, Email service providers and ecommerce platforms. By virtue of data science adequate information can be inferred about the consumer behavior ranging from their choices, their preferred time and medium to engage with a service and even their likely actions in future based on the past actions. It makes data science a latent tool to build individual profiles of consumers for targeting relevant products and services.



How can Data Science be used for a more personalized email campaign

Here is a step by step guide to use Data science for a more effective campaign:

  • Use data science to gauge user response based on gender, location, age etc. Create an exhaustive list.

  • Expand the list factors by forecasting user’s demand based on their previous experiences. Use similar techniques to create a better list.

  • Build discreet profiles for different set of consumers.

  • Create a different Email marketing campaigns for each set of consumers. Use tailored email newsletter templates.

  • Develop customized content for different customers.

  • Use data science to decide the best time to blast Email Campaign.

  • Review and analyze the results of campaign to drive personalized campaigns in future.

But is Data science only valuable to marketers?

The answer is NO.

When marketers use data science to develop email marketing campaigns, it’s a win-win situation.

Customers receive a more relevant Email that relates to them. It is hoped that more customers will engage with the campaign and ideally make a purchase.

A Case Study

Mail chimp made use of data science to analyze and target their service and displayed wide use of data science in email marketing:

  • They shut down abusers and spammers using sophisticated AI models, enabling to keep it spam free. Through this the authentic mails were prevented to land in spam folder of leading email services.

  • They used data to determine if someone signing up for an account is bot or not. If they made sure that the account is legit, they did not force user to fill the captcha.

  • They studied the best time to send an Email campaigns and came up with an entire Send Time Optimization system (STO)


All information is data. But all data cannot be information, not to everyone.

Use your data wisely to create a more effective and personalized marketing campaign and witness a multifold rise in Conversion Rates.

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