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How to Provide a Secure Payment Solution to Your Customers

This article is contributed by Emily Clark from TotalProcessing

If you want to run a successful eCommerce shop, it’s not enough to offer great products and promote them well. You also need to ensure your customers’ information and activity on your site is secure. This mostly boils down to having a secure payment solution in place, one that fits seamlessly into the buying process, and is, at the same time, easy to use.

Online shopping revenue will almost double in 2017 as compared to what it was in 2012. This means folks are becoming increasingly comfortable with ordering online. But for this to continue being an upward evolution for your business as much as for others’, then you need to make it as easy and secure as possible for your prospective buyers. And that’s just it – everyone prefers to shop online, because it allows them to save a lot of time, and in most instances, save a lot of money as well.

Shopping from a store that doesn’t have a physical location is supposed to be cheaper because everyone saves on costs. The shop itself doesn’t have to pay for a central location and compete with similar stores in the area. However, it does compete with every other similar store online, whether it retails locally, nationally, or internationally. And if your products are the same, and your prices are the same, shoppers are going to choose the retailer that offers them more security.

Statistics show that over 60% of carts are abandoned. Do you know what the most common reasons for this? Shoppers say that a long and confusing checkout process or security concerns make them abandon their shopping carts. In most situations, they will probably not return to purchase those same products from you, even if they do end up buying them.

Here we have an infographic from Total Processing that touches on the importance of a secure payment solution through relevant statistical data, highlighting the most important aspects you should tend to. These nuggets of data pinpoint the top priorities of running an eCommerce business. Being aware of things like these can help you optimize the shopping experience on your site. 

How to Provide a Secure Payment Solution to Your Customers

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