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How to Find a Mobile App Development Firm: Tips for Businesses

  • YuriFilatov 


Let’s imagine that you have signed a contract with a mobile app development firm. It seems that you have agreed upon everything: terms, budget, the scope of work, and other things. But six months later, it turns out that the developers are not up to their work and the product is unlikely to enter the market at a planned date. Forbes names the lack of talents in a company as the main reason for the failure of its ERP, CRM, and other digital projects. We will tell you what things to take note of when choosing a company to outsource your mobile app development to.

Application type and project budget

To know what contractors to search for, you should understand why you need them. Has your business been on the market for a while or it’s a startup? What business tasks will software accomplish and, in this regard, what features will it have? How will the back-end part be implemented? Who is the target audience?

Your company also has to decide what application type it needs: native, cross-platform, hybrid, or mobile version of a website. This is what determines the technology stack, the number of developers, and the project budget. A custom mobile app development company supervises a project from its start to the product launch.

Candidate portfolio

Implemented projects and customer reviews will give you an idea of the skills, experience, and capabilities the company’s developers have. It is recommended to focus on a portfolio with products similar to yours. Check their rankings, read the reviews, study the features. Also, it is important to get an insight into the technology stack of the chosen custom mobile app development company.

Interviewing candidates

After finishing the research of IT outsourcing companies, select several most appropriate candidates. In the course of interviewing them, clarify the following aspects:

  • technical skills of the developers, i. e. whether they know the programming languages and tools you need, how much experience with different platforms they have, whether they have knowledge of certain frameworks, APIs, and security protocols;
  • how much experience the candidates have in Android mobile app development, iOS app development, or native app development;
  • whether the developers are fluent in English;
  • whether they have worked on similar apps;
  • whether the candidates know about the latest advances in mobile development.

By doing so, you will be able to hire a team of mobile app developers that can even become your technological partner.

Outsourcing or a technological partnership: which to opt for?

An outsourcing model usually presupposes product support. When the team develops a product that you will need to maintain and update from time to time after its release, opt for the contractor for long-term cooperation. When the customer and the contractor work well together and trust each other, the business can feel confident about service quality and further development of its products.

Such a partnership is beneficial when the customer wants to implement a new project and doesn’t need to spend time looking for an outsourcing company. The development company already knows all the peculiarities of the customer’s business and quickly responds to the request.

If you assume that you are going to turn to the services of an IT outsourcing company more than once, choose partners with long-term cooperation in mind. They will be able to provide your business with the full range of services and support at all stages of its development, i. e. provide consultancy, develop and test the solutions, and offer software maintenance.


The careful choice of a mobile app development firm will save your business from possible risks. Explore the market, technology stack, and reviews of the company, hold an interview and discuss the pricing policy.

Andersen can become such a reliable technological partner. They’ve implemented over 1000 projects in FinTech, Healthcare, eCommerce, and other industries. They have a lot to offer you – more than 80 mobile app developers with six mobile development technologies.

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