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How SharePoint Migration Tools Can Help Small Businesss


If you want to migrate your document management, you need the right tools to get the job done. That is why we want to share with you some top SharePoint Migrations tools available to help you transfer your documents to the latest version of SharePoint Online.

Migration helps any company with a significant amount of data stored on their servers and computers. We cover this more in the section on Why migrate to SharePoint. Additionally, the SharePoint migration

The tools we discuss below helps you accomplish this goal.

Why migrate to SharePoint?

We could create an entire article on why SharePoint is vital to your organization€™s success. To help you get started, we highlighted a few of the best reasons to use SharePoint Online.

1. SharePoint Online and On-Premise

First, Microsoft has two different versions of their document management solution: SharePoint Online and On-Premise. The Online version is a cloud service where Microsoft stores the data, while On-Premise users host data on their servers.

Therefore, the first benefit is the ability to have data storage without paying for the servers, personnel, and other expenses that come with On-Premise solutions.

2. SharePoint Updates

Second, if your organization wants the latest version of SharePoint, the Online versions constantly updated with the latest features and upgrades. Microsoft always has new features, improvements, and security patches.

Because the updates are instantaneous, the Online version always has the latest updates. On-Premise users often must update the process manually.

Even more important when it comes to different SharePoint versions is how it works with the end of life support Microsoft provides. Microsoft policy to stop supporting earlier versions allows them spend more time on current versions. Unsupported versions often have serious security flaws and outdated policies.

Here is the schedule for end-of-life support for different SharePoint On-Premise versions. As you can see from the chart below, often Microsoft only supports the version for 10 years before cutting off support.

  • SharePoint 2007- October 10, 2017
  • SharePoint 2010- April 13, 2021
  • SharePoint 2013 – April 11, 2023
  • SharePoint 2016 €“ July 14, 2026
  • SharePoint 2019 €“ To be determined

Companies who are tired of jumping to the next version every few years have moved to SharePoint Online because of the continual updates and support.

3. SharePoint Integrations

Third, because SharePoint is part of the Microsoft 365 umbrella, users can integrate SharePoint Online with the rest of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, including Word, Excel, Dynamics 365, One Drive, and the Power Platform.

SharePoint Migration Plan

Before you use the tools below, create a specific SharePoint migration plan. That is because no matter what tool you use, without a plan the best migration tool cannot function at optimum levels.

1. Identify migration challenges

The first step in migrating to the new platform is identifying what challenges might come up along the way as well as any current challenges to migrating to SharePoint Online.

2. Create SharePoint strategy

Once you know the challenges, you can identify a plan to overcome those challenges and ensure a smooth SharePoint migration.

3. Central migration team

Now you need a great team to complete the migration strategy. The team needs to have the right mix of technical and communication experience to ensure everything goes off without a hitch.

4. Migration Communication Strategy

A key component of the team and SharePoint strategy is how you communicate with the executive team as well as the rest of the staff. If you don€™t let employees know when features or tools are unavailable, it makes it harder to get buy-in for the project. That leads to delays and possible changes in the migration after valuable work is completed.


5. Data, data, data

The final component to consider in the migration plan is what to do with the data. Where do you store the data? How will you move the data to the new SharePoint Online database? Additionally, it is vital to investigate the architecture of the new SharePoint site to ensure you can store and search for data easily when you migrate.


5 SharePoint Migration Tools which can help small businesses

1. DocAve for SharePoint

Fast migration tool you can host through Azure Virtual Machine. DocAve for SharePoint migrates files and content from a variety of third-party platforms to SharePoint. The solutions€™ ability to schedule migration reduces business disruptions that document management transfers often create for organizations.

DocAve for SharePoint also has robust security protocols to protect and organize data. The data helps organizations use this knowledge for reporting purposes. These security protections even included automated policy notices that let management know when unauthorized changes were made to the system and recovery in case something goes missing.

Finally, centralized management sets permissions and configurations across all Microsoft 365 and SharePoint access points. The multiple types of user accounts ensure that only the right employees can access the tool to transfer documents.


2. SkySync Enterprise Content Migration

Enterprise content migration solution for those who want to transfer documents as fast as possible to reduce business disruptions. SkySync also works with Office 365, OneDrive for Business, and Teams migrations. This solution is great for organizations that need multiple updates to their entire Microsoft 365 software suite, including SharePoint.

The tool can help organizations with a significant migration initiative move data from different traffic sources. SkySync is best for those who want help migrating their entire document system to SharePoint and the rest of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

3. Cloudiway

Another data migration service focused on reducing or eliminating downtime and data loss. Cloudiwaytransfers your data to various Office 365 tools, including SharePoint. This enterprise-level tool is a secure way to transfer your data.

Teams with little technical training find the tool especially invaluable because of the quick and easy data transfer process. Cloudiway auditing tools ensure your team uses the SharePoint migration tool correctly.

The other benefit is you can create multiple office tenants per your organization€™s specific needs.


4. Power365

If you are moving from one Office 365 tenant to another tenant, Power365 is an excellent solution. A tenant is an organization-wide account for Microsoft. For example, Beyond Key has a tenant account for the entire organization to access the tool more effectively.

Power365 shares standard folders and Microsoft Teams, Groups, SharePoint, OneDrive, Planner, and OneNote files.

Whenever organizations have complex reorganization due to mergers, acquisitions, downgrades, or upgrades, they often turn to tools like Power365.


5. Metalogix ControlPoint

More than a SharePoint migration tool, Metalogix ControlPointhelps with SharePoint permissions, auditing, reporting, and governance policies to ensure a cleaner, more efficient tool. It can operate as a full dashboard for SharePoint admins who don€™t know enough about the software they use.

Also, the Metalogix Content Matrix migrates large amounts of data from legacy SharePoint environments. Admins can analyze the migration ahead of time with the Metalogix Essentials tool.


Final Thoughts

SharePoint Online is the wave of the future. However, to access this future, most organizations need to move their files, folders, and other tools away from On-Premise solutions into the cloud.

If your organization needs help migrating your files and documents even with the migration tools above, please contact us today to set up a free consultation with our SharePoint team.

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