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How Industrial IoT is Shaping the Modern World?


The world has taken several leaps in the technical aspects in the past few years. This has resulted in tremendous growth for the entire globe. With proper modes of communication and travel, the world has discovered ways of becoming stronger by every passing day.

With the flow of time, technology evolved and discovered those levels that did not exist few years back from the current day. Eventually the Internet of Things came into the picture and after this revolutionary phase, the world did not ever look back. The system that is formed after interrelating computing devices, digital and mechanical machines, project related objects and people are provided with unique identifiers and are collectively termed as IoT. IoT is so efficient and independent that it has the ability to shift data over a network without an ounce of help from the human beings. In fact, the potential of IoT is so prominent that it does not even require human-machine interaction any longer! IoT, itself is a world which has opened up multiple possibilities for us all to manifest a better lifestyle. Stemming from this, emerged IIoT. It is a segment where smart sensors and actuators are utilized with the intention to enhance the manufacturing and industrial processes. This is also termed as Industry 4.0.

IIoT is utilized with the purpose of making manufacturing smoother and further compelling. Efficient utilization of resources at the right time and for the right projects along with the eradication of all the dumb machines is what IIoT aims at. Replacing the not so efficient machines with the state-of-the-art machines is done by IIoT in a blink of an eye. No matter wherever we are looking these days, industrial success is everywhere. This is no coincidence out of thin air but IIoT working in the right direction to make use of the data transmitted by the dumb machines into something more useful. The industrial sector has missed out on success in the past because it has never thought of making the most of the existing data. But through IIoT, bridging the gap in between where the world is today and where the world wants to reach tomorrow is effortless.

There is no doubt that dumb machines too have produced some degree of beneficial data in the past few years in the industrial sector. But with smart IIoT solutions, making the most out of those data is one of the mottos that the IIoT runs upon. It aims to create robotics that not only outsmarts human intelligence but also are communicative enough to uplift the entire managerial force of a given sector and/or organization to take decisions that are advantageous and promises better revenue.

There are several resources that express the ultimate need of IIoT in the manufacturing industry. Let us explore all the IIoT features for a better understanding of them all:

Industrial IoT is Predictive

The predictive quality analytics supports in collecting actionable insights from the various sources of data such as everyday environment, human observations, industrial equipment and more. By harnessing the potential of statistical algorithms such as machine learning, predicting the future outcomes by studying different patterns and trends has now become uncomplicated. With the objective to determine needs by utilizing different sources like raw materials, training the workers adjusting machine settings and more that will contribute to the quality of the factory output, is what predictive quality aims at. It is all a matter of using Industrial IoT software and services, that the industrial manufacturers can establish predictive quality models. These models are constructed upon the data, derived from all the devices present on the factory floor such as conveyors, robots, rotors, and valves. This generates better detection of quality issues before it disturbs the production process. The superior quality products coming out of the factories will definitely make the targeted audience of a particular brand feel delighted. Along with this, it will reduce the product recalls.

It Establishes Predictive Maintenance

It is crucial to detect the real time state of the industrial equipment. Predictive maintenance analytics help in measuring and determining the real-time state of industrial equipment to let you identify possible breakdowns before they affect production. This helps in saving a lot of money because it is not only the production glitches that wipe away the business fortune by millions of dollars, but also the process of replacing the underperforming equipment that cause a prominent cash outflow for the business. Through the smart IIoT applications, one can monitor and infer equipment performance, status, and health to spot malfunctions in real-time on a constant note. A business can easily plan the maintenance work and keep the right inventory of spare parts by knowing equipment replacement or repair needs in real-time to evade unplanned outages. The supply chain gets optimized, the equipment lasts longer and the level of safety for the workers increases.

Monitors Asset Conditioning

Empowering various industries with the IIoT capabilities with the purpose to monitor their machine and equipment status, runs a long way. With the intention to let the industries know about the asset’s performance in the field or factory floor, IIoT has come up with this feature for the manufacturing industry. The machine/equipment status is measured by inspecting the temperature, error codes and vibration. As it is not a child’s play to capture all the data, as technicians need to physically inspect every equipment and machine, this IIoT feature simplifies such situations. When device health indication data is sent to the cloud, it makes the operation staff aware where the required capacity is over or under used. This eradicates the need of physical inspections with much simplicity. With asset condition monitoring capability, one can access all the data, ingested from endpoints (equipment) and monitor health and performance of equipment, machines and other assets. With increased visibility into industrial assets, one can even maximize the asset utilization and ensure optimal use of investment in appropriate machines and equipment.


Be it any industry…Hospitality, Mining, Healthcare, Oil & Gas, Water, Real Estate, Transportation and more, IIoT has been successfully unlocking gates for bigger and better opportunities for the industries to grow. Meeting the demands of the everyday society is not an easy task. It requires tremendous Research & Development to fetch and then interpret the mammoth data that gets registered everyday by the various industries. IIoT focuses on interconnecting the industrial things to create smart equipment, machines, process, service vehicles, and more. Bridging the gap in between legacy industrial infrastructure and modern technologies such as edge computing, machine learning, cloud, and mobile is what IIoT is successfully doing. This generates higher levels of productivity and efficiency in any industry. With IIoT, there is no looking back!

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