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How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Design In Future

  • AshokSharma 

There are a lot of on-going controversies on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on designing and development. While, designing is a bit of a complex process; as the humans only have the capability to set the context and create what the user’s really are looking for. But researchers and designers are constantly working on the technology in an attempt to find out how AI will affect the future of designing industry.

Futurists consider AI is capable of critical thinking and performing highly productive and complex jobs in the industry. that will facilitate human designers with Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Machine Learning.

AI will help in making designing much more manageable and help achieve higher and better outputs.

Artificial Cognitive Abilities 

AI has human like capabilities, and this allows machines to think like human beings. For example. AI has the ability to receive visual and auditory format, which can be stored in the memory as long as it is required. That is, AI can hear and analyze everything in the surrounding.

Here are a few things that AI can do with its features –

  • Identify different colours, shapes, texts, codes, and objects.
  • Categorize different input data and use a certain piece of data when needed.
  • Remember facts and information for a longer period of time as compared to humans.

The cognitive abilities of AI with the help of IoT and sensors can be highly beneficial for AI-based design. These features can prove to be highly productive if AI designs a certain website, product logo, or makes any other graphical representation.

Capture the Context 

AI help machines to figure out context by programming it with relevant and intelligent algorithms. It can have a vast memory and ensure that the machine utilizes it according to the needs of the task and its context. An AI-based app that designs can make a layout for a website according to the information provided. It can help categorize the website into a specific category and choose a suitable color, texture, background , and also the overall layout of the website.

Additionally, AI can identify personalized content and also respond to it suitably. For example, if an organization needs a logo, they can provide information about what kind of logo is required. AI can offer different template images to different users by identifying their requirements. Similarly, AI can also analyze the patterns  with hindering the social media privacy and safety to know the interests of the audience and present them with the related content. This also enhances the user experience and significantly improving the sales and marketing results.

More modular Design structure 

AI makes design system robust with the help of a series of patterns, elements, and modules which is combined with the design language of a brand or a product. today organizations, from enterprises to startups are opting for a design system for a more consistent product. AI added an intelligent layer to the product cycle that can analyze metrics and figure out which elements work best for your users. The more AI learns what works for your users, the more optimized it will be to deliver better results.

“The time required to test an idea should be zero. We believe that, within the next few years, emerging technology will allow teams to design new products in an expressive and intuitive way, while simultaneously eliminating hurdles from the product development process.” — Benjamin Wilkins, Airbnb

Analyzing huge amounts of data 

Every time a user interacts with a digital platform it generates a certain amount of data. This is why the growth of business intelligence has only grown, data analysis process has become a lot more complex, more refining, and more valuable, helping designers and product owners make more informed decisions.

Additionally, AI can identify personalized content and also respond to it suitably. For example, if an organization needs a logo, they can provide information about what kind of logo is required. AI can offer different template images to different users by identifying their requirements. Similarly, AI can also analyze the patterns with hindering the social media privacy and safety to know the interests of the audience and present them with the related content. This also enhances the user experience and significantly improving the sales and marketing results.

Structure Identification 

AI has the capability to identify the structure of different objects. The feature of AI help machines to identify thumb impressions and facial features of different people. So, this technological development has helped identify the structure that makes machines capable of memorizing, recognizing the structure, and then detect them when they are shown.

AI is highly efficient in this regard, and they can recognize even the tiniest of the difference in the structural objects. They register every image into a certain category, and this classification let artificial intelligence perform man complex tasks, which includes designing in less time. But, even this technology needs improvement as it still can make minor mistakes in recognizing the objects in an image.

Generative Visual Styles 

With generative visual styles, user can apply intelligent filters to the videos and photos based on the recognized image. The technology will identify whether it is a human face or an apple to recommend the filters. This feature will create dynamic and generative visual styles powered by the AI-tech.

The AI also completed your sketches and turn them into more refined versions of what you are capable of sketching with a mouse in a few seconds. This is only possible because of machine learning the more users engage with the tool and draw their own sketches, the more the AI learns about what users are trying to draw.

Dynamic logos with color and format variations generated by an algorithm, are also a big trend when it comes to branding and AI.

Tech like this makes the design more accessible to more people. Non-designers and designers can increase the quality of their work and polish what they are trying to create for their users, without spending a lot of resources and energy.

AI Technology has helped automate repetitive tasks while freeing up time to focus on the more strategic side of designing and ensuring more relevant user experience for added personalized, smart, and relevant content.

So, it is time for every enterprise, whether big or small to correctly identify the real potential of AI and work towards enhancing its capabilities in improving the design industry’s work structure.

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